img Rescued Kitten  /  Chapter 4 New Home. | 12.12%
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Chapter 4 New Home.

Word Count: 757    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

e P

on my forehead hurt. My hand went up to my head to rub it, it hurt, making me groan, even more, that really hurt ve

eyes and look at her, she's pretty, tall blond with blue eyes that match mine, she smiles

was broken soon when the door op

handing her a bag filled with something

n I hold her?" He asks, I hold

n says, tears start flowing down my face

lings," the other guy who wa

he took me upstairs, to another room, this one looks bigger than any room I had ever been, she took me into another room, I don't know what kind of room this is, she turned some kind of wa

e water, although it's warm, I still screa

e guy from earlier came back toward

guy rolls his sleeves up and come hold me down in the water, I tried to

tub, rolling me in a fluffy towel, she took me out toward

d her what she asked for, he got several diapers, the woman started tr

ow, she finally found one that fit me. She dressed me in similar clothing as before, the ba

ng, but do you know how to deal with a kitten?"

bouncing me around, my eyes

eed her mama wol

ore turning to me, if she's asking me, I don't know wha

pt cuddling me, my eyes were closing now, I was almost asleep when he ca

until I was now sitting in her lap, she got the strange cup and got the straw in my mouth, I started to d

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