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Chapter 5 Meeting Mr Holloway

Word Count: 1392    |    Released on: 11/07/2022


st that you are very excited." Antonio's voice rang in my ear

, he had refused to let me out of his sight since my

a long sigh and turned to me, h

aloud. I didn't need them, I didn't want them. None of them had do

e slightly shook his head. I could

numbers, a prestigious name and an equally prestigious house, and women, in their nu

and my

put it together, make sense of it in m

ned as I sat

had done something wrong, Sarah could have at least filed for a divorce

ir. Without the tiniest trace. It wa

think about it

leared his throat and straightened his stance. It was a gesture he made

n him. He noticed my blue eyes

ir. You have left quite a strong legacy behind. It would be a shame for y

g anyone to give all my wealth to. I wondered what would become of i

brother, but we weren't the best brothers on earth - and I n

hand knowledge of running a business. He would also be forced to sel

d it, pulled out a pair of back jog

where she would be meeting you..." He stopped and glanc

y bed, and rolled my wheelchair from th

you would give this one a chance. I need

could see it clearly, they sparkled in h

last time I made a promise to someone

his shoulder, while he tried t


y first job if I didn't turn

ne to look at the time, as I walked

head, and I could tell that my bro

aty as hell. I should have listened to Fredrick and

s." However, it looked like I was only going to get

I had written the address of the house in. I knew I was in t

skimmed the paper. I sighed

houses, their lawns, and the environment in total, that this was a typical rich people

en, only politicians and top notch movie sta

e kind of underc

al of me, but you understand wh

number 3 and 2 were boldly engraved on his mailbo

s the front door. When I got there, I cleared my throat, slip

and that scared me. I had heard Italian

ck, the door open

t. Even though my palms were sweating my legs were wobbl

n a smile, and he look

t of me was tall, taller than an

looking down at me as though I had come t

n accent and the rudeness in the voice. It

could see it from his

though. I was not going to

." I said

and opened the door, u

se was all it took fo

itioner mounted all over what appeared to be a grand

in anything like this in a long time - no disrespect

nery, I want us to get this shit sh

ing from a distal end of the room, and it di

ho wa

y, and turned to the d

ue ones, and my heart ski



Chapter 1 You're not in it Chapter 2 A second chance Chapter 3 My darling daughter Chapter 4 Mc Donald's and best friends Chapter 5 Meeting Mr Holloway Chapter 6 Never meet your heroes
Chapter 7 What just happened
Chapter 8 Unfortunate events
Chapter 9 I'll be damned
Chapter 10 Daredevil
Chapter 11 It's a deal
Chapter 12 The darkness
Chapter 13 Don't leave me, please
Chapter 14 Douchebag
Chapter 15 Moving in
Chapter 16 Arrival of a sworn enemy
Chapter 17 A rude bastard
Chapter 18 Brotherhood
Chapter 19 Molten rage
Chapter 20 Murder case
Chapter 21 I'm so tired
Chapter 22 The green room
Chapter 23 Another doctor's report
Chapter 24 Gentlemen, shall we begin
Chapter 25 It's good to be back
Chapter 26 Sex on the beach
Chapter 27 Empty hearts
Chapter 28 You need to leave
Chapter 29 The blonde woman
Chapter 30 Why do you care
Chapter 31 The call
Chapter 32 Our father
Chapter 33 Danger
Chapter 34 Sarah Holloway
Chapter 35 Your son
Chapter 36 You promised
Chapter 37 Try me
Chapter 38 Never fall in love
Chapter 39 Aaron Theodore
Chapter 40 Happy married life
Chapter 41 Fuck me, please
Chapter 42 I care
Chapter 43 Why, hello Elina!
Chapter 44 The invitation
Chapter 45 I will ruin you
Chapter 46 An invite to Napa
Chapter 47 The first flight
Chapter 48 Turn around
Chapter 49 Fuck it!
Chapter 50 Pretend it never happened
Chapter 51 Let her go
Chapter 52 Going back home
Chapter 53 Kidnapped
Chapter 54 Daddy, help me!
Chapter 55 Help me, help him
Chapter 56 Why, hello Ivan!
Chapter 57 Your family is mine
Chapter 58 Naa, bitch
Chapter 59 Staring at death's door
Chapter 60 You came
Chapter 61 Something like love
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