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Leona: The First Dragon

Leona: The First Dragon

Author: A.B.
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1867    |    Released on: 21/07/2022

. Her chest aches. The bandages are tight and no helpful on that hot day. A punch from nowhere lands on her face. She e

is yellow bright eyes meet hers as he stoops right beside he

sorry Master. I'll... be bette

row, knowing that she is lying. “Just

aster. Why? Is it because he is small and weak?” he says while the rest of the train

and also be far away from these comments. She splatters some wat

y,’ she

eed to train harder, you know

she didn't hear. That sets him

-it-all? If you get discovered

e understands her fright and immediately let goes. She lowers her gaze, w

n't let them bring you down because their muscles are bigger. You are stronger. Yes, your body is smaller, and it will never beco

as, a warrior of light. These are the names given to the people that are chosen of this gre

e palace and learn the secret techniques and knowledge of their power. They will serve the Emperor and the best will be rewarded. Every boy with the p

ke her qualified for this task. How? we don't know yet. All we know is that Master Yien saw something in her and took her in,

tened around her chest, let's her short brown hair fall down her neck and sinks into the bathtub

tying a slip of cloth around her chest and wears her hair in a ponytail. She

t powerful man this world has eve

s laugh. “I don’t know about powerful,

s she. she continues provoking him even more, “I saw you crying the other day. Was it cause Ta

s right before her eyes, all because Master Yien’s hand prevented i

e says while hitting both of them behind their heads. A

he Arena. Leona remembers seeing this scenery by the viewpoint of the people standing on the sides. Always hoping for this day to

eir way, from other academies of

d left, all covering this magnificent place. And after all this time she is about t

raight to the Arena. Countless of people are there on the stands, screaming. The

es some last words on how to overcome the enemy. Every Master says how important strength is, and how to

desperation. Master Yien comes her way. H

t you. Remember, you aren’t

gth.” She looks down in disappointment. He immedi

uscles’? It’s about the strength that comes with

ers most of all. So please, don’t try to do something that isn’t You. I risked

hat he says is true. Who else would risk such thing, taking a girl in and dressing it as a boy, if he hadn’t seen something? Leona let’s some

h each other, whispering and laughing, to kill the anxiety that’s

dressed in a long golden robe. An elaborate rope is tight around his waist. He wears black boots, and a crown is decorating his

hort black hair and a blue tunic-robe

eakers, “Please welcome, the Emperor Lao and his son Prince

e dragon locating in the center of his chest. His hair are long and white. His eyes are gold, and he has a long white beard. This man is no other than the Grandmaster himsel

the Dragon, Grandmaster Wu!.” The crowd ch

ts speaking to the cro

s that you will face today are nothing compared to what your training is gonna be. It will be tough. No weak person can withstand this. The ones that will lose today, fear not, since you can stil

d a series of creatures on your way to the other side of this town. The two first teams that reac

hoping to be a strategic or riddle solving task. she crosses her f

fire, is of course allowed, since this will be your great tool. But don’t be fooled. It’s



Chapter 1 No.1 Chapter 2 No.2 Chapter 3 No.3 Chapter 4 No.4 Chapter 5 No.5 Chapter 6 No.6 Chapter 7 No.7 Chapter 8 No.8 Chapter 9 No.9
Chapter 10 No.10
Chapter 11 No.11
Chapter 12 No.12
Chapter 13 No.13
Chapter 14 No.14
Chapter 15 No.15
Chapter 16 No.16
Chapter 17 No.17
Chapter 18 No.18
Chapter 19 No.19
Chapter 20 No.20
Chapter 21 No.21
Chapter 22 No.22
Chapter 23 No.23
Chapter 24 No.24
Chapter 25 No.25
Chapter 26 No.26
Chapter 27 No.27
Chapter 28 No.28
Chapter 29 No.29
Chapter 30 No.30
Chapter 31 No.31
Chapter 32 No.32
Chapter 33 No.33
Chapter 34 No.34
Chapter 35 No.35
Chapter 36 No.36
Chapter 37 No.37
Chapter 38 No.38
Chapter 39 No.39
Chapter 40 No.40
Chapter 41 No.41
Chapter 42 No.42
Chapter 43 No.43
Chapter 44 No.44
Chapter 45 No.45
Chapter 46 No.46
Chapter 47 No.47
Chapter 48 No.48
Chapter 49 No.49
Chapter 50 No.50
Chapter 51 No.51
Chapter 52 No.52
Chapter 53 No.53
Chapter 54 No.54
Chapter 55 No.55
Chapter 56 No.56
Chapter 57 No.57
Chapter 58 No.58
Chapter 59 No.59
Chapter 60 No.60
Chapter 61 No.61
Chapter 62 No.62
Chapter 63 No.63
Chapter 64 No.64
Chapter 65 No.65
Chapter 66 No.66
Chapter 67 No.67
Chapter 68 No.68
Chapter 69 No.69
Chapter 70 No.70
Chapter 71 No.71
Chapter 72 No.72
Chapter 73 No.73
Chapter 74 No.74
Chapter 75 No.75
Chapter 76 No.76
Chapter 77 No.77
Chapter 78 No.78
Chapter 79 No.79
Chapter 80 No.80
Chapter 81 No.81
Chapter 82 No.82
Chapter 83 No.83
Chapter 84 No.84
Chapter 85 No.85
Chapter 86 No.86
Chapter 87 No.87
Chapter 88 No.88
Chapter 89 No.89
Chapter 90 No.90
Chapter 91 No.91
Chapter 92 No.92
Chapter 93 No.93
Chapter 94 No.94
Chapter 95 No.95
Chapter 96 No.96
Chapter 97 No.97
Chapter 98 No.98
Chapter 99 No.99
Chapter 100 No.100
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