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Chapter 3 The Second Chance

Word Count: 1500    |    Released on: 10/07/2022


the rusted leaves off my body. I was under the shelter of a tall blue gum tree. My hands itched from w


only the goddess knows where. I looked up t

felt amazing but I didn’t know what to do with it and I was t

fire-breathing reptiles. I couldn’t let them go after what they had done to me.

ld start scheming against them. But I had no cl

the thought of them… no, us. I closed my eyes to feel it and saw a golden dragon. Far b


ybrid. The only thing I’ve ever heard about hybrids was that they we

w? My powers were

a ball of fire app

ed in horror, trying to

a stream and put m

I said to myself, recov

ess said, I had t

do this

and imagined red-hot orbs of fire on my two hands.


did this never happen before? My wolf senses caught the sound of running paws hea

now, I had to hide. My insti

tayed hidden on the branch of the tree, camouflaging among its leaves. A small group of

out. The wolves looked up at me and suddenly, I lost balance. I fell, screaming to the top

. One of them shifted to


you?” I a

st.” The wolves shifted to h

, don’t co

ireballs at them. The wolves escaped it, like

lverine with long blac

a wolf too? I neve

r me. I did my very best to get them off my tail but they outnumbered me. Besides, they could shi

er?” the wolf that asked

inned me down

her to sleep, she shouldn’t know the way,” th

ut over my nose a



ith clothes turned rags. His short brown hair was scruffy and there w

nk they’re looking for us,” Cayden, my Beta,

t him,” a Sigma among

tless of my chamber, but every wolf that lived in the d

with him, Alpha?” C

r seat that rested on

es and neck. “What

wolf in the pack and I never did a thing with

om and more of him have been appearing latel

u said so. Take him to the torture

ared in his eyes. I would have


His cheeks flamed in pain. “Who sent you?! Tell me!” I

know an

see abo

. His yell was so loud that everyone in the pack heard him. Cayden was be

don’t kno

e said,” I said, showing him the body of a wolf that had been shredded t

head to the right. “He sai

had many pieces of broken bottles stuck into it


leg. Blood spilled on my leather boots for the second time. He bit his lip,

my cold emerald

hand at once. “Why not?!” I punched his onl

l kil

e already

s dead body to the ground along with

t have killed

g the blood off my face. “We’ll find

el to Cayden an

idn’t move too close. I was dangerous a

one, Alpha, I think I s

th my official work but my nose caught a scent. I stopped dead in my tracks. It smelt

sted wolves there but what caught my eyes was what was in the hands of Daphne. In h



Chapter 1 Pain and Pleasure Chapter 2 Head on with a Goddess Chapter 3 The Second Chance Chapter 4 The Legendary Alpha King Chapter 5 The Fire-Breathing Wolfless Wolf Chapter 6 Bring her in
Chapter 7 Welcome to the team
Chapter 8 My Mate's Mate
Chapter 9 The Blue Stone
Chapter 10 Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 11 All I want is you
Chapter 12 Four on the Wolfless Wolf
Chapter 13 Where is he
Chapter 14 Memories, bring back memories, bring back you
Chapter 15 Sweet Revenge
Chapter 16 Something Magical
Chapter 17 The Caged Monster
Chapter 18 Wet Dreams
Chapter 19 Sorting things out
Chapter 20 Phoenixes and Wildfires
Chapter 21 The Golden Dragon
Chapter 22 Purple Rebels
Chapter 23 Girl Power
Chapter 24 The Luna Queen
Chapter 25 The Woman in the picture
Chapter 26 Pentyrinth's Labyrinth
Chapter 27 The Serpentess
Chapter 28 My Draven
Chapter 29 Piranhas and Decrees
Chapter 30 Letters of Doom
Chapter 31 Secrets Revealed
Chapter 32 Samantha's Secret
Chapter 33 Daphne being Daphne
Chapter 34 Baby Girl
Chapter 35 Busted
Chapter 36 Croc Attack
Chapter 37 The Hum Pound
Chapter 38 The Flood
Chapter 39 Death
Chapter 40 Ralph or Not Ralph
Chapter 41 Annual Grande Ball
Chapter 42 Dragon Statue
Chapter 43 Locked out
Chapter 44 Crotchy Eyes
Chapter 45 Bear the brunt
Chapter 46 Vulnerability and Misconceptions
Chapter 47 Bullseye
Chapter 48 Wherever the wind takes me
Chapter 49 Answers
Chapter 50 The Fight Continues...
Chapter 51 Lose Her
Chapter 52 The Diary
Chapter 53 Eliminate the Pest
Chapter 54 Unleashing the Beast
Chapter 55 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
Chapter 56 See and Feel
Chapter 57 Cinderella
Chapter 58 Fireworks
Chapter 59 Perpetrator
Chapter 60 Cowardly Bastard
Chapter 61 Break. His. Head
Chapter 62 Unofficial Confession
Chapter 63 The Dragon Lord
Chapter 64 My Akira
Chapter 65 Past and Future
Chapter 66 The Golden Opportunity
Chapter 67 Wagloth's Fall
Chapter 68 The Hut
Chapter 69 Roast him up
Chapter 70 Pain and Hate
Chapter 71 Black and Blank
Chapter 72 A Miracle
Chapter 73 Light
Chapter 74 Surprises, Consequences, Selfishness and Happiness
Chapter 75 Better or Worse
Chapter 76 Unfinished Business
Chapter 77 THE PAST
Chapter 78 How I wanted
Chapter 79 Feelings
Chapter 80 The Coronation
Chapter 81 Restricted areas
Chapter 82 Element of Surprise
Chapter 83 Right or Wrong
Chapter 84 History Books
Chapter 85 WHY!
Chapter 86 SHIFTING
Chapter 87 FAINTED
Chapter 88 GODDESS
Chapter 89 NEVER ASK
Chapter 91 EPILOGUE
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