img Lot 51  /  Chapter 1 Prolouge. | 9.09%
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Lot 51

Lot 51

Author: Miss Shaiii
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Chapter 1 Prolouge.

Word Count: 520    |    Released on: 05/07/2022

, the light is dull a

it's going to burst. With my weak hands, i tried to get up

around. I got to familiarize this place while my body is still

s no light bulb nor lamp. The light from the wi

t all the things here is broken. Such a messy place for a goddess like me. I'm not f

believe what you see

it's killing pain, is there some s

ing flashed in my mind, a flashback of

t hot liquid entering my vein and my eyes started to get blurry. What is that thing he injected to me? I saw him leaving and

" He said then caressed my cheeks. I tried to reply but bef

ns how i end u

rts here. Can't help bu


d a person walking towards me. All i can see is shadow, the light from

and i can smelll disgusting shit. B

ding up. I tried to run but my knees are to weak to stand. I don

shivering, we

my sleeve, waiting to be used. I can't hold my tears

ike a hungry beast, a preda

onna d

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