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Chapter 4 Punishment

Word Count: 1040    |    Released on: 20/06/2022

o get food for the children!, no I don't think so it must have been about th

o take care of them or feed them, the orphanage workers only give them food once a


head, he was sitting down on his seat with th

mediately they both got up, the

sounding slap on his cheeks w

weak and tears started rolling down his cheeks. The vice head

ecause of your foolishness I will make sure you are dead with no one knowing I will give you a horrible and painful death that you wish to never be born into this wor

at the backyard, clean all the house and dishes for one week, and if you fail to even do one of them correctly I will ma

nitize his hands. " I can't believe I touched that

for the inspectors coming to check up o

a at least it's better than this stupid town if only I was born to either an angel, demon I wouldn'

e 18 in 2years time and we can through him out of here, I just hate being around all those st

said they saw him rapped in dirty ragged clothes by

re as no one would notice if he sudde


er kids to get worried about him. This wasn't the first time something like this was happening

id the head say? " asked the boy on

e me random punishments for snea

anything we are always here for you" Maddie th

ld never hide anything fr

the orphanage head, sometimes when the orphanage head and the vic

l Jace was still on the watchful eye of the head so he didn


seen walking inside the house, it was already dark outside so he wasn't worried abou

ooded man asked the pers

on the countdown will begin and after one

ng out his hand handing over a small b

never return and remember this is between the two of us,!" E

ling opening the bag

I appreciate and remember this will never be told to anyone!"

earth and changed everything, the cu

ze= 1

ss 1 Beast crystal

ystals (premitive cr



me later, making i

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