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Chapter 5 Meeting the parents

Word Count: 1606    |    Released on: 20/06/2022

a S

ned to her, with worry lines all over my face

face, "I'm sorry, mummy is just nervous" I mumbled and wipe

uldn't help but think of everything that could wrong. They could hate me because of what happened 6 years ago, "Oh God" I

ide me and I smiled at her before I turned back to Zale, who was walking towards us. I saw him pause momentarily when he cast his eyes on me but brushed it off quickly, and continued walki

, but seeing the reaction it had on him, I felt better. "Hello,

d to be formal. We should be friends" he said and placed a kiss on my hand,

bad yourself" he shook his head at my compliment and squatted so he coul

" he cooed with a small smile on his

ace, "Thank you, Zale, mummy said I look like a prince

ured her and to our surprise, she wr

urst into laughter at her words, but she didn't mind that we were

our prince" he offered as he pulled away from her and stood up. She eagerly nodded her h

they walked to the car. My chest constricted painfully and I clenched my fists at the sight, "I'm sorry" I m

red at me with a blank look on his face.

. Zale opened the car for me, and I mumbled "

one ready?" He asked and readjusted the center mirror, the moment we all

ride if not for the radio that played different songs throughout the car ride and Zoe who occasionally tried to sing along.

my nerves down for the lunch. The silent ride gave me time to collect my thoughts and

" Zale said for the first time since we entered the ca

the corrections

odded. The car slowly came to a halt after that and I looked out the

ace felt like home, but right now it felt anything but homely to me and thoughts of how I'll stand out and probably be despised by the people that o

hakiness in my voice, but to my relief, he chose to ignore it, "let's go, Zoe" I mu

"I open the doors for you and Zoe especially in public and

his every step with eyes twinkling in admiration, he only had to showcase the most basic act of gallantry and I was a

n love, in front of my parents. And I know that wouldn't be a problem for you, you did quite well back in our colle

and forced a smile on my face, "you can count on me. I pl

for Zoe, but she was already out of the car and wa

ame excitement in her house, "You live in a mansion?" She whisper-yel

hape as her eyes kept flickering from the house to Zale's face, "

e with you in this big mansion. I could play princess al

ere are some people you need to meet first, are you ready?" She nodded her

d presented his arm to me. I gazed at it for a while before I slowly wrapped my hand around it and smiled a

walk to hell, but it was barely a minute before we stood in front of the door, Zale rang the doorbell as

n me and her mouth dropped open in shock, she was about to say something to



Chapter 1 Finding a bride Chapter 2 Interview: Be mine again Chapter 3 Contract accepted Chapter 4 Engaged Chapter 5 Meeting the parents Chapter 6 Date announcement
Chapter 7 Dad knows
Chapter 8 I want Daddy
Chapter 9 Time to uncover the truth
Chapter 10 Making up with Jacqueline
Chapter 11 Conference
Chapter 12 Moving in
Chapter 13 Wedding day (1)
Chapter 14 Wedding day (2)
Chapter 15 A day after the wedding
Chapter 16 In pain
Chapter 17 In pain (ii)
Chapter 18 In pain (III)
Chapter 19 Oliver
Chapter 20 Private investigator
Chapter 21 You did what !
Chapter 22 Dinner
Chapter 23 Alicia Dubris
Chapter 24 Her over me
Chapter 25 The morning after
Chapter 26 Honeymoon talk
Chapter 27 Tori
Chapter 28 Honeymoon talk (2)
Chapter 29 Amusement park
Chapter 30 What are we
Chapter 31 Operation FTT
Chapter 32 Friends
Chapter 33 Effiel tower
Chapter 34 Pity party
Chapter 35 6 years ago
Chapter 36 Zale
Chapter 37 Second Chance
Chapter 38 Confession,
Chapter 39 Conk out
Chapter 40 Tell me the truth, Oliver
Chapter 41 Now or never
Chapter 42 Zale finds out
Chapter 43 He found us
Chapter 44 Blackout
Chapter 45 let's save water
Chapter 46 Tori's panic attack
Chapter 47 Questions
Chapter 48 GUSTAVO
Chapter 49 Danger lurks
Chapter 50 Changes
Chapter 51 Aria's Dissapperance
Chapter 52 Rainbow
Chapter 53 The deal
Chapter 54 Tori
Chapter 55 5 years ago
Chapter 56 Gunshots
Chapter 57 The day after
Chapter 58 Tomorrow*
Chapter 59 Surgery
Chapter 60 Tori Wylde
Chapter 61 The files
Chapter 62 Daddy's friend
Chapter 63 Jealousy
Chapter 64 The truth
Chapter 65 2 weeks later
Chapter 66 Custody
Chapter 67 Verdict 1
Chapter 68 Final verdict
Chapter 69 Reconciliation
Chapter 70 Vows and eternity
Chapter 71 Epilogue
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