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My Billionaire Mafia King

My Billionaire Mafia King

Author: Tassel
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Chapter 1 When He Heard Her

Word Count: 2614    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

: When He


ast class I was hoping to lie down and relax, but as I stepped over the threshold I real

o this!" my mother was ye

n danger," Kendrik pleaded, "I can't take that risk. After our wedding, we're

et out a fru

for love were indeed crazy. I never desired to be a v

d walked as fast as I could straight up the stairs and to my room.nd even after shutting my room door, I could still hear their yelling f

taking a refreshing five-minute shower. Stepping out of the shower with a towel hanging arou

myself as I continued playing with it. I loved playing with my

ince before I can remember, as we were all supposed to join the gang once we were old enough. I had completed all my necessary training, but K

wanted to be a part of it and Kendrik, he is supposed to be the next Gladiolus King. Howeve

Mane to continue. He sounded quite

ge everything within the next fifteen minutes. So, I thought you mi

g. "Inform all the important members and manage everything. I'll go talk to my mom,

all, I could see my mom looking at her ph

?" she asked, puttin

denly call an em

n, but I wanted to know the reason right at that moment. I hated no

ntil the others join us first, hon

owing something," I groaned as the suspense of it a

walked off and into her bedro

closed the door on my face and said t

ck to my bedroom and stayed there

wn towards the study, and while walking toward

he emerge

irst and last time, Cason,

stioned sarcastically. He had appeared out of nowhere and joined us. I rolled

Kace the third, Cason the fourth, and last but not the least, was Orson, our fifth brother. The bonds b

, the Gladiolus Executives and Mane had g

dressed us. "Now I shall make an announcement, so pleas

drik, is supposed to inherit the title of 'Gladiolus King. Regrettably, he has rejected the po

in, before she continued, "We need a new Mafia King, thus, with no further

erstanding he

to be her se

honey?" mo

ll the others looked at me with various expressions of

like I'm going to be

nd whispered, "You're

. I was going to be t

be one of the Executives, but never in my wildest dreams I thought that I would be the one ruling as King. Kendrik was

oing to go bald with the amount of work I will

engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug. After they released me, mo

e decision. It all happened so fast, while I hadn't been able to swallow the ne

e." With everything settled and everyone happy with mom's decision I stood up and f

a tentative voice with a heartw

we both thought you would be the best decision. I had always had it in my mind that I would make you the next Gladiolus King if anything were to happen to Kendrik.

, her words runni

ndrik as the next King, but truthfully I always wanted it to be you. You, my son, will be the best

he position, as Kendrik did. But all I knew was that I cou

glow with happiness as she beamed. I had already been given basic training, now I just had t

ll accompany you. Once you come b

ime to think as well as to set aside my feelings and emotions. From here on out, I had to focus solely on the Mafia and no

urned to find one of my brother's standing at the door. "Sor

tted his shoulder, "It's

him, I had to take over the gang and g

m wouldn't have burdened you

gang is handled in the best possible way." K

tep forward with your leadership. I can just feel th

, Orson, came running towards me and wrapped his

e to,

day?" he asked and I nodded as

back, I'll be twenty-

." Kace sent a chall

ts while I'm gone. Besides, they clearly don't u

would scold them, but boy was I wrong! "I'll be the eldest as

all fought over the games, engaging in a hand-to-hand fight in the end

packing my suitcases and then went to bed. Drifting into a deep sl

e bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead.

tears away for the umpteenth time. I hu


ys crying, especially when other people cried as he got attached to people reall

n," I joked, trying not to

" Orson hugged me, after Cason. I c

e able to save you from mom's wrath for t

fall for it. Though, I knew he was lying. There was no way h

im. "Don't leave, Vexon. Home wo

It's not like I'm dying or anything." He shot me a gl

into a hug. He was my best friend. "Don't turn into

try no

. I got you i

s ok

nnounced after all the far

ks, M

aye, Boss. I'll be your assi

gh the window. I wouldn't see them all for the next five years, scared

going to be the

cided to use my Mac-book to check the stats of our company, just to pass time more quickly. I was studying business, so I cou

up. Closing my Mac-book, I look

There were camouflaged camps littered all over the grounds. My training was a secret, so my c

Calm down!" a sweet, angelic voice filled

around frantically, searching for the owner of the voi

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