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Reading History

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

d those who bullied her wasn't around. She jumped up for joy; greeting ev

ling her friend. "I guess so" her friend replied undoubtedly, when she tur

ion" she shrugged her shoulder and just then, Sophia reached

eir hands to shake them. She shook hand with them one after th

dent in her class, one of their teachers came in after she witne

e queried, dropping the materials she was going

ing from behind. It was her Chemistry teacher. She

now by shaking hands with them?" she pointed out and walked to

d asked Sophia to find a place to sit. Sophia hurriedly went to her seat whe

e was seeing the student in her class so she made

the teacher was pointing at him so

into a long deep laughter, seeing the two parties reactions. The teacher hit the table with her cane con

ed him, saying "And you, do you

faced the Newcomer back and asked her to stand up. She obeyed and stood up, facing the teach

l think I don't know everyone of you?" she asked rhetoric

d, scanning the student's face. "I a

ss about the Newcomers in their midst when their Biology teacher came inside. She

ed "I really apologize for taking your time, I needed to talk to my students that's why" she said and Ms Helen nodded her he

gnaling to her give her just a few minutes more. She then told the class of how they will be contesting among each other be

n here since to teach you? And let me deliver this message quickly so your teacher can take over" she fuming with anger. She turned to face Lei

ommunicate to them through Sophia. "I'll communicate to you through Sophia. S

eacher to have her class with them. She called out Sophia's name again and asks her to put the Newcomer

g the break and she will put you through what you need to know" she said and Leila bended her h

walked to face the students and told them what she was going to teach them that session, after answering to Mrs

hey should also go through and make researches before their next clas

s, she asked the students some questions pertaining to the last class they have together b

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