img THE BILLIONAIRE'S SECRET MATE  /  Chapter 3 . | 5.88%
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Chapter 3 .

Word Count: 1953    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

if that's the only thing that matters to him he didn't even know the force that pushed him into saving her from falling on the

" came his voice

th this guy how did he know she was sad e

les with his hand still

was quick to remove her eyes away from him she kind o

n for too long. What the f*ck! he has never acted this way around a woman except

" Clara said as she quickl

she couldn't even act normal around him and his hold on her waist was f*cking too hot for her to even think s

im from afar as he take the drink. Looking deep into his eyes she could see all his emotion everything he


s lo

s in da

d but what could have made a man this handsome and rich l

heard him yell from his tab

oking at him you will know he is already drunk his blue tie is already loose off and his bright

ve made him d

dri...drink" he stuttered drinki

should start going

ney if you want" he raised a brow

money you already gave me $

re for you I am ric

e a f*ck about him how could he drink himself

I don't need more of your money,"

r straight clean legs as he watch her leave "

and this total stranger she took in a deep breath as she composed her heart this will be the last drink she will be selling to him she

as about to walk away, hearing those words from the mouth of a h

women are heartless and to

tless ones right?" he laughs loudly

e knows what she has been through in the hands

him cry for the first time she was moved by his word and sobs she wanted to

ck out of here," she said befo

h a way toward him but of course, she doesn't know anything about

different at first he thought she was just pretending not to recognize him but now it dwell on her that she d

im "please you have to leave I am about to close" sh

lexander tilted his head to t

unk" Clara holds him on the waist with his

behind him while Alex keeps saying some fussy words that she can't even understand. She does

as surprised to see Alexander outside the car his head placed on th

er breath before w

d you are f*cking too drunk to

pause for a while watching him closely she could read the pain and worry i

der as he continue sniffing her breath

ns closer to him trying to remove his phone from his pocket when suddenly Alex hold

was lost in his green eyeball and she could feel some sensation and electric wav

xander whispered as he narrow his eyes staring

unk just let me go" Clara quickly jump awa

his phone was off. "Argh" she screamed hitting her foot on the floor angrily as she stare at she d

be you should just sleep in your car until daybreak there is nothing I can do at this point" she

res at her with that cute face

ement as she stare at his tight grip on her arm she try to pull her arm out of

l on her arm which he was holding. Slowly she uses her hand to raise his

loudly she check from her left to right and all the street

ped him to seat in the car properly w

the only place she could

ng and at the same time wealthy she had barely known him for two hours and it

eyes he look cute when he is even asleep and his looks can

white. His beautiful, golden-green eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light-toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive, as you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had t

roken beyond repair leaving her in the hands o

the steering when she remembered that she has a few months to

o say goodbye to he

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