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Chapter 4 Rina

Word Count: 1309    |    Released on: 27/05/2022

a Z

five mi

iving room which overlooked the spacious lobby. My eyes slid across, taking in the elephant

my spine. The g

motion snatched the breath

sbursement of duties. 4am, you are here. If you are

rl, but then what could I do? She was my senior. Therefore

oked, given its moderate size and the fact that there weren't any forms of gold or silver embellishments. However, deep down within me I knew it wasn't t

h as the table and the cabinets on the walls. An

g room. As we entered, the chefs and a few maids around didn't spare us a glance. It le

nce, all thanks to its off-white theme. There were lots and lots of cabinets on the wall, and everywhere was spa

arlier statement, this mansion is divided into regions: One, those

She winked, the sign she gave me whenever she d

s your duty post, the kitchen and your room belong to this class, the first class. For the second class, you can only

unt should you be seen there. Never,

at could possibly be happening there to have earned it its name? My mind went through a list of possibilities, all of which w

t's continue, sha

ailing off in thoughts. Now, I

w this because I'd glanced at the wall clock in one of the hallways as w

mma was too. It only surprised me because I enjoyed touring and traveling—anything that had to do with a

a's voice en

red from my ha

rsi! Oh,

o work. To work and not to lay around like sloths. Mira had assigned our tasks to us. Mamma was to join

re off on a good start?" I

d to me. She was stashin

s you enough to let

e. "Well, like I've always told you: le cose buone arrivano alle persone buone. The moo

a had a way of livening up my spirit. I cou

We have got

My eyes widened as I looked at my empty


the floor in search of

t have fallen.

meant the world to me. It was everything. It w


na. Okay, you go down the hallway and check

rows still pulled

had it on before


I say. We w

ng even as I reached the end of the hallway and at the mouth of the stairs. My worry was mounti

okout for the glittery piece, and made it in

room was a shiny object lying on the floor. I took two ste

ing pity on me, and strode into the dining. As I got inside, somethin

, waiting to know if I would catch the sound again.


e door handle. Gulping down some saliva, I pulled the door open. Quietly shutting it as I stepped into a dark space, the gentle brush off my arm across a tape



Chapter 1 Vincenzo Chapter 2 Rina Chapter 3 Rina Chapter 4 Rina Chapter 5 Rina Chapter 6 Vincenzo Chapter 7 Rina
Chapter 8 Rina
Chapter 9 Rina
Chapter 10 Rina
Chapter 11 Vincenzo
Chapter 12 Rina
Chapter 13 Rina
Chapter 14 Rina
Chapter 15 Vincenzo
Chapter 16 Rina
Chapter 17 Rina
Chapter 18 Vincenzo
Chapter 19 Vinceno
Chapter 20 Rina
Chapter 21 Rina
Chapter 22 Vincenzo
Chapter 23 Rina
Chapter 24 Vincenzo
Chapter 25 Vincenzo
Chapter 26 Rina
Chapter 27 Vincenzo
Chapter 28 Vincenzo
Chapter 29 Vincenzo
Chapter 30 Vincenzo
Chapter 31 Rina
Chapter 32 Rina
Chapter 33 Unknown pov
Chapter 34 Vincenzo
Chapter 35 Rina
Chapter 36 Rina
Chapter 37 Vincenzo
Chapter 38 Vincenzo and Rina
Chapter 39 Rina
Chapter 40 Vincenzo
Chapter 41 Vincenzo
Chapter 42 Vincenzo
Chapter 43 Rina
Chapter 44 Vincenzo
Chapter 45 Vincenzo
Chapter 46 Rina
Chapter 47 Rina
Chapter 48 Vincenzo
Chapter 49 Vincenzo
Chapter 50 Vincenzo
Chapter 51 In deep trouble
Chapter 52 Happy now
Chapter 53 prove it
Chapter 54 ciao sandro
Chapter 55 hot mess
Chapter 56 how cute
Chapter 57 for how long
Chapter 58 come on now
Chapter 59 pound of flesh
Chapter 60 shush
Chapter 61 he left
Chapter 62 the very body
Chapter 63 ten fold shy
Chapter 64 coming
Chapter 65 have you even been listening
Chapter 66 stop being silly
Chapter 67 fell for you
Chapter 68 is that a threat
Chapter 69 damn you padre
Chapter 70 it'll be alright
Chapter 71 idiota
Chapter 72 a cry of shame
Chapter 73 eyes on me
Chapter 74 an eyesore
Chapter 75 heartbroken
Chapter 76 grazie vince
Chapter 77 you disgust me
Chapter 78 Any problem
Chapter 79 Unknown pov
Chapter 80 Missing
Chapter 81 All was over now
Chapter 82 Panic
Chapter 83 Dont ever do this
Chapter 84 I'm sorry
Chapter 85 the stupid bastard
Chapter 86 Bingo!
Chapter 87 Nightmares
Chapter 88 No forever with rina
Chapter 89 messed with my mind
Chapter 90 i love you
Chapter 91 I kissed him
Chapter 92 surprised
Chapter 93 doesn't feel right
Chapter 94 no wonder
Chapter 95 leave me alone
Chapter 96 are you okay
Chapter 97 pregnant
Chapter 98 rejection
Chapter 99 he will hurt you
Chapter 100 can't change the past
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