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Chapter 2 Job and shelter

Word Count: 1869    |    Released on: 01/06/2022


h their wolves. I hated my life, I lay in bed and wept. Rob had ruined everything. I wanted to use that money to

rs in her eyes, and I figured she had come to talk to me about my decision to kick her out of my

hould be packing," I said, and she was crying. Tha

e!!!"I e

re, and no one would take me or Rob to work for them, So we are

ed at her, and she cried, and that was when th

ay so technically we can do that, and we have

ed, but she d

tation awaits you," Rob

ou two out of my father's house!" I yelled at them, and he began to laugh. He left

ng the moons. Usually minors hated resuming jobs their guardians or parents secured for them. The enforcers

hem where they were taking

od packhouse, and the wages are

the wages?" I asked her,

as the men took me away. My mother carried my bag a

t my mother as the car d

guardian authority to sign me up for a job at the packhouse, knowing I would not be able to leave even when I come of age. Although it was paid emp

iet as the Enforcers drove m

ors at the back. One read 'Bloods only' and the other read, 'Service only'. we w

was very unkept. I was ushered to a room that had three bunk bed

r and her mate did to me. They laid waste to all my hard work i

ours. Clear the stuff that is in it," one of the enforcers

stuff?" I asked, unwilling

he answered, a

not wander to the Blood section, or you will be punished. If caught more than three times, severe actions will be taken against you. Your guardian will receive your wages. You can go to them to collect money for your upkeep. The pack will

ceive my wages?" I asked

are eighteen," he repl

e man a bit happy, and he told me to d

r and her mate back in the meanest way ever. I just had to find a way to survive for s

d time reading it. Maybe I could avoid some of her mistakes, if any, in the process. I arranged some of my things into the dresser and went to lo

e place being old and most of the facilities broken down, the workers were kind enou

uff. I found an envelope with a letter and money i

antly op

py because the moon goddess had finally decided to put me out of my misery. I missed your graduation because I had to go for treatment, but I learned yesterday that I was no longer responding to treatment. Please find it in your heart to forgive me and know that I always loved you. I did what I did to keep us alive and give us a fighting chance. Now you will have to carry on alone. Be careful Desiree, all eyes will be on you because of my bloodline. I know you intended on using the money to leave the pack, please don't. There is a witch war going on outside our borders, and it has claimed the lives of a lot of Blood and Moon warriors

ed to get me to safety, and this was the best way she could do it. I counted the money. It w

crescent moon badge indicating he was a Moon too. He handed me a blue jumpsuit to wear, which I suspected was my uniform. He

tucked the letter into my bra. I intended to find a secret place to hide it when I had the time. I kne

he dining hall, keeping

serve them," he told

ing the hall, there he was again, the guy that had saved my life the night before. I wouldn't h



Chapter 1 In a nutshell Chapter 2 Job and shelter Chapter 3 Work Chapter 4 New Station Chapter 5 Red Light Chapter 6 Magic and Science
Chapter 7 Banquet
Chapter 8 A Date, Sort of
Chapter 9 Adam’s Side
Chapter 10 Scapegoat
Chapter 11 Dilemma
Chapter 12 Forty-Five minutes of steam
Chapter 13 Tempted
Chapter 14 Proposal
Chapter 15 Visit to The Seer
Chapter 16 Talk
Chapter 17 Welcome Ashria
Chapter 18 Claim
Chapter 19 A Tough Decision
Chapter 20 Everything
Chapter 21 Incomplete Bond
Chapter 22 Divine Wolf
Chapter 23 For What Is Right
Chapter 24 When Did She Come
Chapter 25 Moon Embracing Ceremony
Chapter 26 Moon Embracing Ceremony(After Party)
Chapter 27 A Cruel Plan
Chapter 28 End Of A Friendship
Chapter 29 An Attack
Chapter 30 Implicated
Chapter 31 Lies And Deceit
Chapter 32 Brown Wolf
Chapter 33 A Purpose
Chapter 34 Gloom
Chapter 35 Ultimatum
Chapter 36 Preparations
Chapter 37 Plans
Chapter 38 Quick Decision
Chapter 39 Stalemate
Chapter 40 Mutual Benefits
Chapter 41 Assignment
Chapter 42 MeanTime
Chapter 43 Punishment And Pleasure
Chapter 44 Birth Of A New Pack
Chapter 45 Completing The Bond
Chapter 46 New Beginnings
Chapter 47 The Clearing of The Ash
Chapter 48 Before The Storm
Chapter 49 Do Not Get It Twisted
Chapter 50 The Real Enemy
Chapter 51 At All Cost
Chapter 52 Limitations
Chapter 53 Closet And Things
Chapter 54 Envoy From Stadia
Chapter 55 Meeting
Chapter 56 Shirtless And Ready
Chapter 57 Some Revelations
Chapter 58 Truths and Decisions
Chapter 59 How Many More
Chapter 60 Impasse and Nerve
Chapter 61 Ideals
Chapter 62 An Agreement
Chapter 63 Status Quo
Chapter 64 Current Events
Chapter 65 A Bid for Friendship
Chapter 66 The Strike
Chapter 67 A Demarcation
Chapter 68 I Am Sorry
Chapter 69 Considerations
Chapter 70 Scorn
Chapter 71 Culprits
Chapter 72 Raymond From Stadia
Chapter 73 A Vision And A Doubt
Chapter 74 Electricity
Chapter 75 Taking Stock
Chapter 76 Discoveries
Chapter 77 Moments
Chapter 78 Reality of The Vision
Chapter 79 Ingrates
Chapter 80 Son of Haimon
Chapter 81 Strength of The Bond
Chapter 82 After The War
Chapter 83 Hearing
Chapter 84 What Next
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