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Reading History

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1845    |    Released on: 05/05/2022

a smile, "The gi


s she walked up to

her, "Do you know

with a sigh. She signalled the bartender for a

p; it had looked painful. She could not wait to see Kylie's reaction when she lea

d her forehead with her hand; she'd forgotten about him for a moment. "Kylie, this

d Kennedy

it," Jessica said, wiggling her e

e in New York for the movie," she

" they both said a

uick," Kylie said, and when she realised he'd seen her too, she ad

. Finally her question was answered; his grey eyes were captivating and beautiful. Through the fabric clinging to his skin, she could almost see the outline of his abs. This guy wa

istian had been putting things on the back burner for some time. The way

s of the ocean; he had to force himself to avert his gaze. Even her strawberry blonde hair matched her temperament perfectly. He did not want to do anything with th

ons, it's time for the party," Jessi

hem; she had been right, they were a perfect match. The chemistry between them was practically pal

ncing," Jessi

is not a good i

so said. He was still trying

he effect Kylie was having on him, or

s affairs, but he had to hand it to he

Kennedy knows who he is going to be working with,

eyes. Jessica always

ed and signalled the bartender for more shots, which she immediately gulpe

s anyone before, and it was no use to her now, because she knew fully well that she could not dance

g at all. She just followed what the people around her w

ylie was sure she had all but forgotten her as

she decided on the latter, better the guy than this dance floor and besides, she needed another drink, her throat was pitted. So with tha

anced or what was her own version of dancing. He had tried so hard t

d moved with the music. She had potential, but she just needed to loose

he approached him again, so h

" she

he re

The silence between them grew more uncomfortable until

You were pretty good," he replied, trying not to give the

with a laugh. "You really

were not that bad,"

ake your word for it. Do you think yo

that. That's what I signed up

f the other guys I'll be

ked about other things. The two were joking a

sica said, "It seems like you g

r had refused, saying pink was too girly for him. He had thrown a tantrum for days and refused to eat, but later he had gotten his way," Kylie told the story. She could well imagine his sweet face pleading with

y," Jessica sa

magine why he wanted a pink backpack, too. And his po

o defend himself. "I was young. I thought i

o; he just felt comforta

tch, "Shoot, I did not

do not have any plans tomo

tals in the area. I do not want to ke

not complaining

just like bei

a place." No sooner had the words left his

tely necessary, like class time, but Kennedy could not deny that part of

." Kylie said very quickly, as if she

er that you need to practise. After you get the car,maybe

conceded, not that sh

where you are staying, if you do not mind. He will b

. She said goodbye

Jessica said as

uspiciously. "You promi

hand in surrender, "but you are not going to tell

did, I have already told you that I am not going to start a

, but we will see," Jessica s

been the highlight of it all. He was glad he would see her again soon, even if she d

he had to leave, but he would think about that later. He was not going to st

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