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You Were My Crush (till you said love me)

You Were My Crush (till you said love me)

Author: Kim NaNa
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Chapter 1 Introduction

Word Count: 1109    |    Released on: 18/04/2022

aasir sneaked in, they climbed on to the bed then they whi

sister" Uthman gr

e you guys doing here?"


She said, getting

hat you are going back to

here is Ummu and

room, waiting patiently

say something whe

sis" Zainab gre

ainab… how was you

What are you boys doi

wake sis up" They

ab s

lesome" Zainab said

t" She said

Zainab said an

let, then she dressed up then she put on J

irs down when Khadija ca

, sis" Khadija s

t's wrong? You don't look hap

ou sis" Khadija s

ss you too" She said

hey met their mom and their ste

laikum" Th

heir mother and st

ready?" Hajia

ha said w

i Abdullah said,

s you" Her step mother's

o, bye" Aisha said

, they entered the ca

t to the university and th

ajia Nabeelah

nly n

care" Alhaji Abdullah s

sat down on the bed, she was in her tho

that?" S

's me" Zak

said, walking t

nd met Zakariyah stan

ave missed you so much" Zakr

ariyah" She replied

f the door forever?" Zakr

… coming i

stroll" Zakriyah sai

ing when they bu

apologised as they

rned out t

led but he onl

we don't know"

where you are going next

ant" Zakriyah sa

ot arrogant" She said


called him, he turned back then the p

Ayaan" Asif gree

if… I miss you so m

come back to sc

kriyah and Aisha right now


u know I don't like Aisha"

t down b

u and Abu?"

Asif replied and

king when two

kum, guys" Ya

am, Yasmeen"

… I have been looking for you eve

are you looking f

ay something when Maze

um, guys" Maha

salam" The

Aisha and Zakriyah?" Maze

in the classroom"

allah" They

to go and meet my friends"

azeeda and Mahada c

um, girls" Zak

e back to school… we ha

irls too… how is eve

llah" they

e here" Zakriyah sa

meen" Mazee

?" Aisha asked, then

me? Is there something

hing on Asif, he doesn't love you"

fall in love wi


A girl said, wal

am, Hafeeza"

ol, sister Aisha" Haf

at is here?" Zakriya

ter Zakriyah" H

kriyah said an


our welcome back at the

Aisha said then they


right" Zakriyah said th

t do anything, keep calm" Ma

nly n

tomorrow we won't have time

e" Aisha said th

afeteria they met Asif

laikum" Th

m" Yasmeen and

friends sat do

" Zakriyah asked but she

yah called an

a ga

o you want?" Z

then Zakriyah too

water? Won't you

ay, sisters"

e she sees her crush" Maz

Aisha said th


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