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In love with the recluse CEO

In love with the recluse CEO

Author: Torrysmith
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Chapter 1 What a day!

Word Count: 1684    |    Released on: 13/04/2022

her fingers through her long, blond hair, pulling the elastic band from between her teeth an

e my reflection in my wedding gown”. When she optically examined the wall clock, wh

he realized she had forgotten to eat the toasted bread she pr

a vehicle, but she is content to ride public transportation

tching her hands to the road often in a bid to get a cab, a cab soon pulled o

ide her, her earring were crafted from diamond and her shoe were Italian made, her hair was covere

the door fi

ere it is important dear, my son has a

e at work soon t

isting, she took few steps back

am, you can ha

ast eight already and her cold, creased faced boss was al

e desperately jumped before a cab throwi

e approaches the studio room and noticed a large number o

ay to sta

oss. An old, fair-skinned and wrinkled face man with a bald

sa said without optical

it Luisa?” h

wristwatch for

is 8;20 sir.

d he office cl

will never become a true musician, you will forever remain a shadow to

t and changed her sentence “ I am

the pocket and ambulated dow

d lady who happened to his secr

he hook, she said you should head straight to the studio for

mped around the office hopping and signi

hloe said offering

o take care of your voice and reduce your pitch gi

eds surgery too, I have got some huge bills to pay, I am extremely glad our alpha and o


e she was wise enough to understand the insult in singing in a bar, her mother was a popular bar sin

a car accident that claimed the life of both her parents and her elder brother Kyle. She

stop accusing her for the death of her parent and

nd she immediately joined them begging for alms, little did she know they had a boss to whom they give their income to and he in turns gives them

a searched for greener

as on her side and she got as a delivery

me in her little way. She was loved by almost all the custome

aurant after she had chained down her delivery bicycle, she walked down the quiet and

gang of boys who snatc

girl they call beauty?

ruly a beauty inside he

t darker, they tore her shirt into shred exposi

er all" another boy said laughing h

might be" the g

cross her chest begging

oney please,just le

d tore away her bra with just his fin

ess any way. She opened her eyes on hearing screams and grunts to see a tall tanne

, you can wear it" he said

h I'm sorry my name is

she said st

the restaurant and since then

isa was fit enough to go get her sister and three of them relocated to Texas for greener pastures. She was not rich but she could fe


ecording room , Louisa stormed out sw

g for a bottle of water but was called i

ith the recordi

m" she r

hair with his fingers clasped and

can't pitch perfectly, that your cough too is annoying,damn! Anyway the artist you s

up and she sm

at news,I'm so

ll have to quit for s

s singing while another takes the glory! This is the fourth person I sang for, sometimes I use a year with some ,while I use six months with some, y

ir backwards,he clapped his ha

have what it means to compete with other singers out there? Fi

able, that's for compensation, take it and leave my office now



Chapter 1 What a day! Chapter 2 Sinking deep Chapter 3 His betrayal Chapter 4 Wasted! Chapter 5 No to being Reclaimed Chapter 6 A humble request
Chapter 7 The contract
Chapter 8 Away from home
Chapter 9 House mate with the CEO
Chapter 10 Rejected.
Chapter 11 Rejected but fated
Chapter 12 Lust in his bed
Chapter 13 Just sex
Chapter 14 Lure to the dinner
Chapter 15 The dinner party
Chapter 16 His fierce touch
Chapter 17 Contract termination.
Chapter 18 Working with the CEO
Chapter 19 Return of the witch he sold his heart to
Chapter 20 Their pleasurable solace
Chapter 21 Be mine!
Chapter 22 The boomerang
Chapter 23 His lady in distress
Chapter 24 The Allies
Chapter 25 Her dirty lining
Chapter 26 Danna's hope , Scarlett's doom!
Chapter 27 The coup
Chapter 28 Louisa in trouble
Chapter 29 Escaped!
Chapter 30 The beginning of her end.
Chapter 31 Another sin makes no difference
Chapter 32 Her birthday
Chapter 33 His Rage
Chapter 34 Double trouble
Chapter 35 A monster conceived
Chapter 36 The revelation
Chapter 37 Whose doom
Chapter 38 Why stalk her
Chapter 39 Fucking to her misery!
Chapter 40 Whose body
Chapter 41 Who killed her
Chapter 42 Tears and blood
Chapter 43 A house in a forest
Chapter 44 Will she ever know peace
Chapter 45 Back in Texas, trouble looming.
Chapter 46 Sex till death
Chapter 47 Behind the bar, a taint of her innocence.
Chapter 48 Melvin's hidden past
Chapter 49 I plead not guilty
Chapter 50 Chloe's plea; another challenge
Chapter 51 What does Melvin know
Chapter 52 A leap ahead
Chapter 53 Game changer; two can play
Chapter 54 Coming home.
Chapter 55 His hell is on earth
Chapter 56 Karma!
Chapter 57 Broken and shattered.
Chapter 58 The storm is over; doom at their service
Chapter 59 Kiss! Kiss! Kiss
Chapter 60 Will you be my everything
Chapter 61 Body heat for celebration!
Chapter 62 The big secret: United forever
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