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Chapter 4 Protect the Village

Word Count: 3417    |    Released on: 07/04/2022


A patrol team is patrolling, walking down a d

the center of the village where there are a

to the most busy areas of the village, and some of the

id that deploy our finest swordsmen in the dark pla

dquarters, where the heads have gathered the four generals i

nd another round table with four chairs in the center. The entire village map

ddle of the day, and they detect an unknown presence. They tu

four swords

kure highly

ct you to come," a s

ne, my true self is far away," Gakushin Gakure explained. Everyo

e" the swordswoman said, s

orth by now, and I'll be coming with you all

g the four unknown swordsmen. They recognized how powerful h

boat we've got a long jour

n, boarded the boat and they sail away. Gakushin Gakur

the ocean. The boat is being piloted by the captain. Two captains will

an was looking around. He was smiling in the darkness as h

th black eye particles is, impressive," an elderly man voice hidden in the caves said. T

in the Cave. A door opens in front of him, leading to a stairwell leading to an unknown place. The old man leaves the cave and redoes

ast. The samurai sense a presence in the forest in the fa

it of company here, Shin..." mut

ri Gakure and the Fifth army as he landed on top of a

ure!" He sho

samurai and the army sto

kure asked, surprised. The

ew continent. I can't believe he's already passed me and maybe he

s probably leaving by now,

eir move. Miki was meant to be the first to reach the south, but a Dark mob, at l

d dark body and at least twenty animals. Shikari

d around here somewhere, a summoner... And the Dark dead mobs

out. They finally arrive at the woodland near the east gate, but the way is completely obscured by fog. The s

horses after they halted voluntarily, as if they were upset. Shikari Gakure smelled the odor as well, and the troops came to a halt. They continued and the stench vani

diately!!!" Shikari G

Shin, and the samurai also enter. Shikari Gakure walked towards the ho

akure cautioned the army. The samurai remained within the gate. Shikari Gakur

people inside the village look up to see the barrier closing in. The village leaders send

arked the samurai. Shikari Gakure completed the barrier recons

He raises his eyes to the samurai, who nods

ievement back then," the samurai muttered as he walked away from the gate

go back home," Shikari Gakure says as he sees the samurai enter the forest. The samurai plans to set traps in the forest'

o the gate and a massive log nearby. There were also a few troops on top of the walls attached t

e third army is still on its way to the east. She uses her left ar

by now," Soldier SE remarked as they traveled with the army while riding their horse. Fudo Toka observes the way the village is. Sh

kari Gakure, sensing the energy of Fudo Toka and the third army, dashes to the east's left gate. The fifth army turned around to obser

army can get in faster, stay on your grounds!" Shikari Gakure yelled as the fifth army came

ng himself. He senses a large number of invisible Dark mobs lurking n

early there when hundreds of Dark mobs appear from behind them. Th

k line. Fudo Toka wields the Dark Monster's strength. When she used it, she became extremely exhausted from using her new power just once, and she lost consciousness and le

oles in the Dark Flower and causing themselves to decay after touching the Dark Flowers. Shikari Gakure e

rrier but being blown away and dying. Shikari Gakure walks

. Soldier SE was taken aback, rolled to the ground, and sat shocked. Shikari Gakure examined Fudo Toka's condition. He couldn't see what was in her left hand, so he moved to the left side, and realizing that she had acquire

with her? Answer the question

ng," Soldier SE replied, terrified. Shikari Gakur

ns and get some rest, you're all going somewhere you've never seen before tomorrow. Soldier SE, move your ass, you k

at she had that kind of t

and dragged her towards her family's house. Shikari Gakure orders Soldier SE and the

ey observe a lot of houses that have been destroyed, as well as a king's decapitated sword.

er swordsman finally

ri Gakure looked at the scroll, unrolled it, and read within, "We've got an accompany in the south, north, and west... We al

oward his home. He can't believe they sent Gakushin Gakure

," one of the villages leaders stated loudly. They're still in the underground facility and can't leave. They're renovating the village

he might already know what's going to happen," All of the heads

leave the meeting. The generals are planning an attack with the barriers, but they'll need Shikari Gakure if Gakushin Gakure doe

, he continues to say I'm home or I'm leaving. He go

but it's all empty. He was too astonished to grasp what was going on. He h

rest in a large tree. He wanders towards a large forest in the north and falls

te and the second army on the left side of the village gate. Whatever happens, the armies are prepared. The genera

ront lines with the Fifth Army. Fudo Toka is at the village hospital. She was still unconscious. The village leaders d

e sky that he rebuilt the night before. If something unfavorable happens to them, he must quic

er village, we might not be the one

ee scrolls from the general. The owl soared in his left hand and left, revealing a little opening at the top of

opened, the armies watched the explosions outside the village. At least four large trees are being blown up, but not enou

the samurai is fighting. He sat on the ground and used the clone technique, and a duplicate o

ecause it is a clone. Many Dark mobs appear in front of h

an entire army, outside their village. As they see Shikari Gakure in the distance outside the village, m

e aware of it. Shikari Gakure is headed towards the big demonic presence

llide with the barrier. It collided with the barrier. As he saw the barrier withstand the giant trees that slammed it, he began walking. The troops were afraid

be many more. Now all they have to do is wait. The massive trees were at

The general ignored him and simply looked up as if nothing were occurring. The arm

come to a halt after killing a large number of Dark mobs. There are at least a hundred of them. They looked around the village and co

roy the big monster summoner in the north so we could easily be done," Shi

the village, at the left gate. The bombs inside the forest in the distance are blowing up the Dark creature. Aft

, front and right side of the village gates. Carrying swords and magic books. The Dark mob



Chapter 1 The Beginning Chapter 2 The Risen of the Unknown Dark Mobs Chapter 3 The Rise of the Dark Swordsmans Chapter 4 Protect the Village Chapter 5 The War! Chapter 6 The Story of the Fallen Castle Chapter 7 The Armies Battle Between Darks and the Hidden Nation Returns Chapter 8 The Exile Clan Returns and the Unknown Ocean
Chapter 9 The Throne of the King and the Professor
Chapter 10 The Dark Magic and the Rise of the Undeads
Chapter 11 The Undeads and the Prime Energy Cubes
Chapter 12 The Dark Swordsmens
Chapter 13 The Dark Dimensions
Chapter 14 The New Gate and the Battle in the Far North
Chapter 15 The Meeting of the Heads of the Village
Chapter 16 The New Tech and the Dark God
Chapter 17 The West Shira's and the Gigantic Monster with the Dark Shira's
Chapter 18 The Dark Shira's and the Death of the Armies of the West
Chapter 19 The Dead Swordsmens
Chapter 20 The Myth Himself
Chapter 21 The Showoff of the Kingdom of the Far NorthWest
Chapter 22 The Kingdom and the Traitor
Chapter 23 Shikari Gakure's Color and Monoke Gakure
Chapter 24 Visitors and the New Kingdom in the Far South
Chapter 25 The Destroyed Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Far South
Chapter 26 Kuro One of the Master's
Chapter 27 The New Kingdom
Chapter 28 The Mighty Defenders and Kurosaki One of the Scythe Users
Chapter 29 The Glitch Mobs and the Kingdom of Land and Sand
Chapter 30 The Kingdom of Land and Sand and the Heads
Chapter 31 The Glitch Mobs Return
Chapter 32 The Glitch Mobs and the King of Kingdom Goddess
Chapter 33 The Unknown Glitch Dimensional Realm
Chapter 34 Hiroshi Gakure the Master and Monoke Gakure the Student of his
Chapter 35 Hiroshi Gakure Part 1
Chapter 36 The Power of a Real Shira Swordsman
Chapter 37 Hiroshi Gakure Part 2
Chapter 38 The Side of the Glitch Mobs and the Dark Mobs
Chapter 39 The Leaders Actions
Chapter 40 The Decisions of the Other Heads and the Dark Mob's and the Glitch Actions
Chapter 41 The Information about the UnderGround Cities and the Ardoni's
Chapter 42 The Alliance of the Glitch Mob and the Dark Mobs
Chapter 43 The Dark Spells and the Returned of Unknown Swordsmans
Chapter 44 The Heads and the Generals and the Answer of the King
Chapter 45 The Rise of the Far Dangerous Undeads in the North
Chapter 46 The Ninjas of the Unknown Village and the Rise of the Mutated Undeads of the North
Chapter 47 Shin the Controlled Swordsman by the Darks and the Presence of the Spirit Sword
Chapter 48 The Sorcerer and the Dark Mob's Army Attacking the Front Gate of the East
Chapter 49 The Power of the Sun Breathing Swordsman and Shin
Chapter 50 The New Decisions of the Heads and the Underground Tunnels
Chapter 51 The End (Swordsman's Era)
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