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His Handmaid: Longing for You

His Handmaid: Longing for You

Author: prettylove
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Chapter 1 Experts

Word Count: 593    |    Released on: 27/02/2022

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"I said wake up!!!!" The morn

we go, running up and down in the morning. Everyone has something to chasing or something

urvive as black. We have no choice but to either be maids to riches lords or ladies

. I immediately leave the chopping of the vegetables to attend to the immediate need Lady Gogo demand, well, nothing much, That's how th

. Cleaning and mobbing. The busiest hours of the day are always in the morning! All job has to be done

kitchen duties, and I love it! Why? I'm not a personal handmaid to anyone! Being a handmaid means your worst nightmar

hen but something happens along the road. "Oh my Go

pour on Lady Emily's dress. "You must be stupid! How do your useless apologize going to fix thi

e I knew the outcome of my mistakes. I shudder down i

teach her the lesson she would never forget in her life!" She ordered me to be punished. With the

taking me away to where exactly? I d

, I beg

s at me, "if you love your s

stination of my punishment. I closed my eyes, never wants to see what they would do t

do you think you'

gate of hel

vil hi

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