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Chapter 6 Grim Curiosity

Word Count: 1094    |    Released on: 24/02/2022

erself on her ability to be perfectly silent when she wanted to be. It was a skill that had saved her life on more than on

How is this possible?’ Vix had checked his pulse, put her hand in front

er jaw, but the shivers just moved on to her arms, instead. Then her leg

getting as far away from that...’ Man? Ghost? M

ore her that told her to leave him be, she could not stop followi

tion. It was like he was a magnet, pu

ng absolutely quiet as she ducked from cover to cover. The moon was beginning to creep above the buildings, peeking through

on the street, which was rare, he would suddenly change directions, going down the nearest side street or alleyw

sed stubborn and curious to turn back. Vix stayed just out of sight, wondering where in the world he could

tuffy smell of nearby water, mixing with the too-sweet

ouses. Their windows mostly gone or shattered, the toothless

e. The idea had not occurred to her yet – or pe

e type. ‘But that was before he came back to life right i

ea what was happening, she was not about to make any hasty decis

m behind the half-collapsed wall where she had hidden herself. He was glancing all about him. Had he finall

ot seem to have seen her. Yet the desperation of his searching only increased with each passing momen

owed the depth of his growing panic. ‘What is he doing?’ she wondered, unsettled. Everything

arest warehouse, then dropped like a plunging hawk. It fell directly atop Caine, crashing into him like a boulder. Without a sound, the young man

nter had been real was the dull thud

face-down on the street with the shadow standing over him. Suddenly the m

was hard to be sure. The figure’s body was nondescript, hidden beneath fo

f dusky light from beneath the brim of the hat, where their eyes

ently. She hoped

ant, harsh, metallic noise. She strained her ears to hear past it, cursing the timing of the weird no

ar squashing her lungs against the inside of h

rough the door of the nearby warehouse. The sound of Caine’s

r was closed

s left



Chapter 1 Vix Chapter 2 Caine Chapter 3 Lessons in Thievery Chapter 4 The End of a Beginning Chapter 5 Familiar Face Chapter 6 Grim Curiosity Chapter 7 Shadow of Death Chapter 8 Jaws of Danger
Chapter 9 Visitor
Chapter 10 Questions and Answers
Chapter 11 The First Death
Chapter 12 Memories of Centuries
Chapter 13 Portrait of a Reaper
Chapter 14 Inescapable
Chapter 15 Choices
Chapter 16 A New Road
Chapter 17 Perspectives of the Preserved
Chapter 18 Breakfast with an Immortal
Chapter 19 Devils in Details
Chapter 20 Dreamless Sleep
Chapter 21 Unspoken
Chapter 22 Last Respects
Chapter 23 Disregard
Chapter 24 Enemy on the Horizon
Chapter 25 To Fight or Flee
Chapter 26 Strengthening Bonds
Chapter 27 All the Wrong Places
Chapter 28 Dry Works
Chapter 29 Friendly Face
Chapter 30 Bargaining
Chapter 31 A Slight Distraction
Chapter 32 Pity
Chapter 33 The Pauper Professor
Chapter 34 The Immortal Truth
Chapter 35 Theories of Life
Chapter 36 Doubts
Chapter 37 Caged
Chapter 38 Shifting Shadows
Chapter 39 The Price of Knowledge
Chapter 40 A Brush with Death
Chapter 41 Darkness Absolute
Chapter 42 Return
Chapter 43 Lost
Chapter 44 The Growing Mark
Chapter 45 Dead Ends
Chapter 46 Masks
Chapter 47 Breaking Point
Chapter 48 Deluge
Chapter 49 Reunion
Chapter 50 A Peaceful Moment
Chapter 51 Arrival at Southbend
Chapter 52 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 53 Revelation
Chapter 54 Goodbye
Chapter 55 : Out From the Dark
Chapter 56 : Soot and Ash
Chapter 57 : Last Stand
Chapter 58 : Promise
Chapter 59 : Epilogue
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