img Under Her Wings  /  Chapter 1 Prologue | 50.00%
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Under Her Wings

Under Her Wings

Author: Cielleria
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 592    |    Released on: 20/02/2022

un away from

My eyes search for any trees, caves, anywhere so I could hide from that creep, but I can’t find any. What is this place anywa

? Why Am I even her

now I r

and the guy of my dreams. I think he’s delusional. The thought of a harm

interact with the

only min

eside me, uttering those words; for pete’s s

e me

ist rolling down my eyes while

one, until you tell m

und. What the hell? I felt something holding unto m

tanding infront of me, reaching his hand. “yo

c face, crooked smile written all over. I’m sca

zing that I’m not a thing he own, to his scary f

eant for you,” he smirk

ak with a firm tone as

ut, waiting for me to take it. He’s amused rather than pi


that makes me scared even more

to scream at him but his eyes turns bloody red the mor

ly have the fa

sist with an irritation in his

ice out, I wanted to be heard. But no one can he

haking in fear that this demon will

turning back o

topped as I heard a v

nic voice, pulling my hand back before we could even t


fore my eyes got blinded by

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