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The Gentleman Biker

The Gentleman Biker

Author: Jordan Silver
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Chapter 1 : Prologue: Part

Word Count: 1724    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

ok he passed around the room, like a predator with its prey, sent shivers down the spines of all who gath

or a warrior directing his troops before heading into battle. Such is the way he carried hims

a of mystique that surrounds him, the strength that emanates from him with his every move.

ink themselves bold enough or strong enough to square off with him. So none dared look into those eyes, eyes that c

strength. But anyone would be hard-pressed to find a more fitting word to describe him. There isn’t one. Though he oftentim

ey’re usually taken in by his appearance. Something he’d learned to live with and had even come to appreciate since it kept others fro

of place. High, perfectly formed brows and the most beautiful green eyes that shone wit

any given room. It was hard, even for his enemies, at first sight, to look away. And most were left wondering how anyone could be so perf

looked like he belonged in a boardroom somewhere, what with his air of sophisticat

like a weapon. Like a cobra that strikes when least expected, so is he. They never see him coming, and some unsuspecting souls had bled o

re money than sense when he first appeared. They’d relaxed their guard, secure in the knowledge that the w

way always, to give his prey a false sense of safety. To a man, he was sure they saw him as a pretty face simple

al, more sour grapes. Beneath the short sleeves of the black silk, tee was revealed even more of his beauty, in the form o

ous beast at six foot three inches tall. But more than his face and body, it was his relaxed pose, legs

met. They were still trying to figure him out, something that would never happen because he wanted it so. He h

he did; no one wanted that type of attention drawn to themselves. They’d all learned in the last few days not to

hurried, sent a ding of warning to those in the room that the beast was not to be

him in.” Chair legs scraped across the floor as his men jumped to do his bidding. Those of his dad’s men that he’d

ruth about his son. This was no city-raised, educated idiot like they’d expected. And days

ood thing and a most welcomed change, but for others, it was anything but. They didn’t need some suit who knew next to nothing a

n this way ever since they showed up, and so far, there is never a dull moment. No one told them anything anymore; t

dn’t seem to trust anyone, except for the men he’d brought along with him, which was bound to make thin

and some were even brave enough to let their displeasure be known out loud, their voic

it was the way he moved and that air about him, like a tiger ready to strike. Then there’s the way he turns his head to look at you, and those eye

re was a lot of rethinking to be done since things weren’t looking quite the way they’d expected. It seemed more to them

his true mettle, then they learned that he might be more than they assumed. His coldness left them stymie

fear was heavy in the air as they wondered who was next and when it would end. At this rate, no one would be here next week. And since w

d or that he even cared. He tapped his finger on the table n

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