img Loved by the Gamma  /  Chapter 3 2 weeks later... | 3.16%
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Chapter 3 2 weeks later...

Word Count: 1333    |    Released on: 09/02/2022


There must be at least 20 of them chasing us and I know my dad and I can fight

nd sticks. My lungs are burning but I can't slow down, we can't stop now. We bre

ut. I just about manage to hear him over the noise of the waterfall

th all I have that they don't find us. We keep hidden close to the wall but then we see them brea

look towards the waterfall and I'm instantly panicking. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! But then I si

y dad pants out as he fi

shouldn't have to live your l

and we are in t

ut mom an

e pack over her own son and as soon as we are

ook after her while w

I had a backup plan in place and she's going to look after

oon leave the waterfall and carry on through the forest. We have been running for hours and we'

eeks of looking for somewhere safe to sleep but not staying

but I don't understand why. Why can't he just leave us

packhouse fuck we left with just the clothes on our backs and not

r uncle's pack is only a few hours away from here now." We went hu

s lips. When my dad and I left the pack, we literally left with fuck all so in order for us to surviv

I hate to kill another animal, we don't have much choice right now. We also shift in

nto the lake while my dad keeps watch. He's already cleaned up and I know

y skin but it still feels good to freshen up

eping a lookout and as always, I feel that pang of guilt in my heart. He

be here now. He'd be home where he belongs and K

let you live the life they want for you; you know that!" Alfie pipes up an

very right to just go along with them back at the pack or even just have me leave on my own he did

pack will be ok with... With me?" I shout out as the doubts still cloud my m

es to live at the she-wolf's pack but he has done it for her and that speaks volumes of the man that he truly is. He has bet

o get our asses there as soon as possible. And Ash his pack doesn't care abou

ery is dead and I know he's going to be worrying so let's

I can, I dunk my head under the water to wash my hair but I'm quickly

DO NOT COME TO ME! I LOVE YOU, SON!" He bellows out the last part but quickly blocks out the link befo

like a pathetic pup. Like fuck am I going to allow my dad to suffer this alone. We have always had e



Chapter 1 Meet Future Beta Ashley Chapter 2 Quick getaway Chapter 3 2 weeks later... Chapter 4 Going down swinging Chapter 5 Meet Gamma Jack Chapter 6 He's my mate
Chapter 7 Mommy dearest
Chapter 8 Time to go home
Chapter 9 First kiss
Chapter 10 A new home
Chapter 11 Beta Matthew
Chapter 12 Is it true
Chapter 13 He's alive
Chapter 14 I want you
Chapter 15 I need you
Chapter 16 Hungry for him
Chapter 17 Meet Jane
Chapter 18 What is she
Chapter 19 My 13 year old self
Chapter 20 A day of memories
Chapter 21 Who's that
Chapter 22 Oh chicken
Chapter 23 Coby
Chapter 24 I'm sorry
Chapter 25 Little witch
Chapter 26 Bye for now
Chapter 27 They have a plan
Chapter 28 Help me forget
Chapter 29 It's about time
Chapter 30 We belong to each other
Chapter 31 The next day
Chapter 32 The truth hurts
Chapter 33 She'll be safe
Chapter 34 Gamma Ashley
Chapter 35 It's time to go
Chapter 36 That Gamma tone
Chapter 37 Let's go
Chapter 38 Buying Kelly
Chapter 39 Lies
Chapter 40 Money and more
Chapter 41 This isn't over
Chapter 42 Home
Chapter 43 3 weeks later
Chapter 44 Hailey's plan
Chapter 45 Party time
Chapter 46 Rogue Alpha
Chapter 47 Somethings wrong
Chapter 48 All hell breaks loose part 1
Chapter 49 All hell breaks loose part 2
Chapter 50 Is it over
Chapter 51 A new Alpha
Chapter 52 Where is she
Chapter 53 Dead wolf walking
Chapter 54 When one becomes two
Chapter 55 We will find her
Chapter 56 Saving Kelly part 1
Chapter 57 Saving Kelly part 2
Chapter 58 Saving Kelly part 3
Chapter 59 Another goodbye
Chapter 60 4 weeks later
Chapter 61 Painful memories
Chapter 62 Do i punish you
Chapter 63 Fun punishments
Chapter 64 Nightmares
Chapter 65 Loving my mate
Chapter 66 Nora
Chapter 67 Moments like this
Chapter 68 Possibilites
Chapter 69 Luna's an angel
Chapter 70 Eat and run
Chapter 71 Time to travel
Chapter 72 Underground tunnel
Chapter 73 Oh hell no!
Chapter 74 Meet Jake
Chapter 75 Come out, come out
Chapter 76 The end is near
Chapter 77 Let's end this
Chapter 78 Shock and suspicion
Chapter 79 Is it over now
Chapter 80 Rachel
Chapter 81 Who is she
Chapter 82 Mumble Jumble
Chapter 83 Is this the end of us
Chapter 84 2 days later
Chapter 85 We are back
Chapter 86 I can't lose her
Chapter 87 You want to do what
Chapter 88 Cheeky Rosemary
Chapter 89 Time to talk
Chapter 90 Truths revealed
Chapter 91 Is this fate
Chapter 92 Michael's view
Chapter 93 4 weeks later
Chapter 94 Epilogue part 1
Chapter 95 Epilogue part 2
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