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Chapter 4 What does a witch do

Word Count: 893    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

a little befo


.. It can't be.. but I agreed because I need to to keep my reputation clean..I don't trust the wolf guys that much but I have seen with my own eyes... supernaturals may exist... and I have no wish to mess

oon but the stars are still there; every time I see my parents among them; imagine the most important

re, is

his voice befo

it alread

. let'

most important warriors and officials of the pack; the alpha and beta families live together somewhere else. Most of the meetings, decisions an

e; Sapphire, my

meet yo

t Brandon


the Gamma, feel fre

uced themselves and shook hands with me.. these guys h


e.. the old woman could not make it..

don s

g cottage appears at the end of the village lands, E

he is waiti

us Alpha female and Brandon's wife led us to her practice room and the woman in there with her eyes clos

one everyone is

o believe I am a witch. I

s you feel

you s

seat.", she shows the cus

ou can

he or she is not a witc

oes a w

ngle one present in the room


ch families naturally have powers to recognise any kind of magical object, they can feel and see t

you prove that

I have never seen one, I am not sure about controlling n

hing significant will do. But you don

e they? Will they ask me to walk

hispered something (god

small bowl and put

They are ki

calm down,

e is lowering...stop her." someone fr

h your two palms, close your

picked up and electrici

ces tension, pacifies errati

, Priam came forward and spoke wh

one of the best. Brandon, Emmanuel, my duty is done here, she is definitel

andon's cold voice sent shi

ox and Chel

ngulfed with sile

voice was the last t

she is a

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