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Chapter 3 Begin Again

Word Count: 1504    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

changed because of her desire to avenge her only family. She became cold and silent. Although La

No one sees what’s inside his home except Arya. Though Lary was a bit sad about how Arya treated him, still, he was grat

to know about something or if something is bothering

ry.”, Arya answe

Just call me Dad.” Lary insisted a

regarding that. Please respect my decision for

er adoption have been processed and completed. She still doesn’t want to give up being an Oligario even though she is indebted to Lary. After

re early tomorrow. Also, don’t

Lary but no thanks. I c

ent to their old house before

ow. Hopefully, you are happy wherever you are. I still have not forgotten my promise to you and to myself. I will not stop until I discover the truth about your case and the very

wers before it withers. She no longer knows where to go next. She wanted to enjoy the last day of her freedom because

rya wherever she goes and Yth

ligations and enjoys her life as a woman even just for a night. Ythan secretly peeks at her from time to time. He wants to make sure th

also want to drink and to find a beautiful and sexy woman tonight. Why did I a

lso ignore the orders of his General. He barely stood up in his seat when Arya suddenly disappeared from his sight. He

here detective? Am

t’s nice to

he topic. Are y

going to do in this place? Of course, I am here

r. Liar! I’ve noticed you since I left home. I just let yo

lieve that they were able to kill nine policemen on their own. I am sure they have an accomplice. Did you discover something about it?

e wrong in accusing them of being one of the killers. You were also right that I luckily got a chance to

meone you loved, but you should learn how

e. Haul off and don't follow me again or else

doesn’t trust Lary and he doesn’t want Arya to become more distant to his General. After their argum


king all by yourself? Do you want me

e no time to tal

. Look around you, people are enjoying an


to slap Arya when

elf from my girlfriend Dud

Are you underestimating me? I CAN (Arya knocked th

into Arya’s eyes. It was beautiful but it was full of sorrow and wrath.

on his bedroom door to check if she was awake. E

ime to eat. A

st. I will just take a

a bath, her eyes widened as she remembered that Ythan was with her that night before she lost consciousness. She

d, she hurries down t

g yet? Are you waitin

ve said no. Come, let’s eat. I c

now about my f

t you so I also know a lot about

. As usual I am missing my parents. Anyw

surprised that you went to a place like t

r confirming that nothing ha

xcited on you

applying what I have learned

so excited to start catchin

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