img Alpha Aiden and His Invisible Mate  /  Chapter 9 9. With your lips | 12.86%
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Chapter 9 9. With your lips

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 14/01/2022




I was thrown into


of my body coul

r this unc

felt like. I was always stron


n’t control my body. I felt like in a tumbling cloud wher

sia, wa

tight. Soaked in sweat, I knew there must be so

sia, I


mehow it had a magical powe

what I had

ld bury myself

o last

ryone has secrets.

fight.” I clenched my fists and quickly


e was trying to look normal but I knew she was just comforting

uld you help me?” I stared into her ge


couch and hurried to the bi

ed a pill," she shouted when she

y you won’t. You just look ill.” Her voice faded when she

aw a little bottle of

aid firmly and l

She hurried to the side table and grabbed her cup of tea. “I don’t care why

down my throat. I took two pills just in case that one pill wouldn’t work.

lips, looking a

ok ill,” I told her and blinked

xhausted. Farisa handed me a cup of


” Farisa’s eyebrows came toget

ne. Let

porting me. I tried to walk normally b

n’t mak

s, I knew I had to show up on the training field otherw


ing will start in five minutes," a voice from th

hard not to throw up. Ajax walked to me and furrowed


lpha Aiden came. “Anastasia, come

obody dared to make noi

hey must have noticed

wed him into his office. I collided w

more and threw up at the pl

ll tended, orchid

to me and held my waist, walking me to the crouch. “Lie

was of

I suddenly pulled him to me. He tripped over and l

as also heart gripping to me...I knew, I always knew. From the very start, I wanna d

ime, my wolf Amy was trying to say something but I ignore

stomach. I didn’t know what the feelin

t me so I pulled him closer an

urite scenery...I didn’t know why a man’s scent could give me s

orehead to feel my temperature but

ched when his breath itched them. I suddenly had an impulse to block his mo

I blo




Chapter 1 1. The wolfless girl Chapter 2 2. Why you came back Chapter 3 3. Your blood tastes good Chapter 4 4. So the rougue wants a fight Chapter 5 5. Show me some good, bit*h Chapter 6 6. Tit for tat Chapter 7 7. Will you be my saver Chapter 8 8. You have to help me Chapter 9 9. With your lips Chapter 10 10. Mate
Chapter 11 11. Secret
Chapter 12 12. Yes...
Chapter 13 13. On his top
Chapter 14 14. a bit intimate
Chapter 15 15. I will be stronger
Chapter 16 16. me.
Chapter 17 17 Wake up, Anastasia!
Chapter 18 18. You will be a strong Luna
Chapter 19 19. Why we end up like this
Chapter 20 20. Confession
Chapter 21 21. May I steal a kiss from you
Chapter 22 22. Burn up
Chapter 23 23. Stop, Ajax!
Chapter 24 24. Don't cry
Chapter 25 25. Good girl
Chapter 26 26. The same mistake
Chapter 27 27. What was wrong with me
Chapter 28 28. We share the same goal
Chapter 29 Be stronger
Chapter 30 He found us
Chapter 31 I have to save her
Chapter 32 Be at your side
Chapter 33 Stay like this forever
Chapter 34 She shall stay here
Chapter 35 No way!
Chapter 36 His apology
Chapter 37 A good day
Chapter 38 A runaway
Chapter 39 The snap of twigs
Chapter 40 An inspiration from Farisa's manga
Chapter 41 Intimate
Chapter 42 I should have died
Chapter 43 His fingers tainted with my blood
Chapter 44 Rivalry was gonna last
Chapter 45 We should be prepared
Chapter 46 46. Are you a dumb as*
Chapter 47 47. Are you alright
Chapter 48 48. I couldn't breathe
Chapter 49 49. Did they know how to save her
Chapter 50 50. You are mine
Chapter 51 51. Amy's return
Chapter 52 52. I was a coward
Chapter 53 53. Go away, you pervert
Chapter 54 54. Mark me, my alpha
Chapter 55 55. Mark
Chapter 56 56. Leave me alone
Chapter 57 57. The silent night
Chapter 58 58. Wait for me
Chapter 59 59. Give them no chance
Chapter 60 60. Who is the winner
Chapter 61 61. Tragedy
Chapter 62 62. Ajax's love
Chapter 63 63. Wait for me, brother
Chapter 64 64. cold shower
Chapter 65 65. The mysterious man
Chapter 66 66. Pin a rose
Chapter 67 67. They left. Why
Chapter 68 68. He's Ajax
Chapter 69 69. Settle all this
Chapter 70 70. Strange feeling
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