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Chapter 4 Bodyguard

Word Count: 1275    |    Released on: 09/01/2022


bruptly scanned my face as if he's searching for something.

uttered, still has that

nt of me. He still kept silent even my brother is here and still

hey are after your sister.” Elijah calml

y position. I moved away a little as I know that he's fre

ow that they're dangerous. I heard that they are looking for someone. Until Elijah came that made them knew that I hea

wants to know what I am doing. He even doesn't want me to party before but then he agreed when I keep on persuading him that I'm o

been after you, Arabella Rielle!” He started to become rigid. I just looked

sy this past few days. I don'

e my responsibility, and you're my sister.” He sighed

ah answered

e guy he's talking with. Elijah won't agreed on that. I am sure of it

don't need a bodyguard. I shook my head w

nced at me. But what caught me wa

which made my eyes wi

now. If you don't want me to guard you, th


ielle. That

eling surrendered. “I don't need someone to g

hey're not just dangerous people. They're gangsters. They will do everything so that they'll get what they want.” My b

m and locked myself up. I don't know why this is what I'm feeling. I felt l

table. My life is in danger knowing that someone is searching for me just because I overheard their plan. My broth

, he doesn't want me to be with him. He doesn't want me to be near him just because I confessed

s on him. He forgot me already. And my little sympathy for myself is all what I have now. I ca

also stay here. I don't care for now. Suits themselves here. I'm very annoyed at my brother on making decision

ook at me but I didn't mind him. I eat in silence too and on

hat someone who will just be nice to everyone after arguin

side and saw Elijah is already looking intensely at me.

my head eventhough I feel the atmosphere right now is

uttered at her. I rolled my ey

d to my brother. I almost smirk at that. “Oh, wait.

simply nodded. I hea

thought you're having your period.” She

ed my shoulder. Even

ated with your sister that night? I really thought you're just making excuses to me.” she sco

on't worry, I'll always remind him next time.” she apologize. I just nodded. It's better tha

eir eyes are on me. I didn't make a fuss and went back

He even has that timid smile while his eyes are f

nd immediately an

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