img EXCLUSIVELY THE CEO'S (ECSTASY)  /  Chapter 2 How did I end up here | 2.50%
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Chapter 2 How did I end up here

Word Count: 1705    |    Released on: 06/01/2022

trides towards the girl lying on the hospital bed with her left hand and leg bandaged. He stared at her for

rough the window as if waiting for someone to drive in. After checking the driveway through t

" he ca

up at him from the set

onight?" Little Pumpkin asked keenl

ow." his fa

hen you are his brother

y supernatural power." h

company. There's no way I would have known he wasn't co

re going to school tomo

mpkin shook his

of the shortene

Uncle JJ comes back."

palmed himself as h

wa mean

r, but he wouldn't wait if it were to be him—

el sn

ll him?" Pumpkin stare

s he picked up his phone

e felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He brought it out a

ht?" Michael asked as soon as he

. He knew his younger brother too

Joel r


n the bed for a second be

'night." Mi

nt 'beep'. J

old son, who, to the best of his know

umpkin stared kee

g." Michael bro

kin pouted in disappointme

u get back from school tomorrow." Michael stood up, a

ince he usually spent so much time with him. He had grown so close to Joel that he shared with Joel a b

red silently as he rested his

to Little Pumpkin's room for him, he walked in, to the bed, and lay the little boy, who was already fas

o the ceiling. He entwined his hands slightly above his head as a


while, Joel picked his phone from his


he mouthpiece of h

he was already fast asleep

text you the address now." Joel stated bluntly

boss' voice. The sleep vanished from his eyes, and he hastily digested everyt

his phone dinged—a

ospital his boss had mentioned. He stayed awake for a short while, and after c


d his phone to his pocket and spent the whole night watc


him the previous night. Without introducing himself, the nurses already knew

CEO's cute personal

he nurses led him to

why his boss wa

ave an ac

his enemies

ccessful businessman and the richest businessman in the country, and as much as

' enemies had laid an ambush

ned it for him to enter before closing it

lady lying on the bed. Even the blind would know she was be

eft arm and leg were bandaged. He furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what had happened. Since he wa

ss and saw that he was sta


ly opened her eyes slowly. She

int my room?' She twitc

her head to the left, and lo and behold, an extraordinarily handsome man was sitting next to the bed she was lying on. She raised her head a b

the very gorgeous man and sta

I opened my eyes...' Emily blinked her eyes rapidly. 'No smile, just

back against the wall when she f

" She hiss

as he watched the pre

red back at the handsome man and noticed his fa

re?" She asked, staring in

," Noah quic

he handsome man and stared at

llect what had happened. A few moments later, s

o?" Sh

the 'man' as if she wa

his boss's body go stiff beside him. His body

up at him, not sensing that the atmosp

red and pointed his in

his hand and

me?" Sh


alking to you

Yah me

, no

and dumb?" She

oughed nervously, his whole b

knew who she is talk

y stared ba

?" She waved her righ

you deaf too?" she stared

d as he stole a glance at h

, not looking away

wo mean

not know us?" No

t was either she didn't know them or she was



Chapter 1 Hand over my carkey Chapter 2 How did I end up here Chapter 3 Go live with your family Chapter 4 I keep meeting handsome men Chapter 5 He'll die before the doctor arrives Chapter 6 99th position Chapter 7 He’s running temperature Chapter 8 No one leaves without my permission Chapter 9 Checking me out Chapter 10 City’s sweetheart Chapter 11 Stupid meeting
Chapter 12 Say what now
Chapter 13 Throw them out
Chapter 14 Scared of an escalator
Chapter 15 Welcome onboard
Chapter 16 Better than her
Chapter 17 I get it
Chapter 18 Disowned
Chapter 19 A snake in the grass
Chapter 20 She’ll pay
Chapter 21 The video
Chapter 22 Sent out of EWEI
Chapter 23 Be alive
Chapter 24 The CEO is a pervert
Chapter 25 I didn’t see
Chapter 26 Rendered jobless
Chapter 27 Avoidance
Chapter 28 How can you pass out like that
Chapter 29 The CEO is a pervert
Chapter 30 When exactly are you going to learn how to drive
Chapter 31 So, they did this to her
Chapter 32 It looks like they just mopped the floor,and I don’t want to slip
Chapter 33 The CEO sleepwalks
Chapter 34 He treats me like trash
Chapter 35 She dares to compete with the queen
Chapter 36 Who is the father
Chapter 37 She is my woman
Chapter 38 Hello, Anchor Emily
Chapter 39 But you can’t see him
Chapter 40 The next flight to Seoul
Chapter 41 The witch is back
Chapter 42 Consider your job here done
Chapter 43 Speak of the devil
Chapter 44 The annoying arrogant man
Chapter 45 Just tell me what you want
Chapter 46 I don’t know what you’re talking about
Chapter 47 Go out on a date with me
Chapter 48 He’s fallen for another girl
Chapter 49 I need your help, Oppa
Chapter 50 My happiness is seeing Danielle happy
Chapter 51 She’s making me feel insecure
Chapter 52 The woman you love, loves you
Chapter 53 She is our cousin
Chapter 54 The CEO and the strange lady
Chapter 55 Kill who
Chapter 56 Emily Chen
Chapter 57 To teach your director a lesson
Chapter 58 Get your wife back
Chapter 59 Good night, Princess
Chapter 60 They were recorded
Chapter 61 I’m a changed person
Chapter 62 It’s safe, let him drive you
Chapter 63 Let’s get married tomorrow morning
Chapter 64 The newly married couple
Chapter 65 The CEO will dance with a lucky lady
Chapter 66 I’m sorry, Emily
Chapter 67 You’re the foolish one
Chapter 68 Losing her virginity like this
Chapter 69 The CEO wept for the first time
Chapter 70 Not even a fly would hurt her
Chapter 71 The reunion
Chapter 72 A visit to the prison
Chapter 73 Meeting mother-in-law
Chapter 74 Meeting grandparents
Chapter 75 Don’t you miss me
Chapter 76 Stephanie is getting fired
Chapter 77 Lock the door behind you
Chapter 78 Waiting till wedding night
Chapter 79 Your punishment for using me as bait
Chapter 80 Final chapter: Together forever
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