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Chapter 2 Arrogant As Hell

Word Count: 1075    |    Released on: 23/12/2021

cake Tara,,really hot

give me " Tara said walking out of the


ing about money Tara,,money " Krist

ere is th

handed over her phone

daughter want a na

t Tara " Kristen s

en real? $50,000 for a nan

r the interview. Getting dr

mansion,where are you

re gonna know where he lives,,I mus

You're gonna throw it away like t

?? $2000,,now tell me. What the hell is qualifica

st worr

et,,don't worry about me. I got

yes before going

d and rushed out of the house,

mansion "

,, is he getting married or s

risten repl

people will be

pened the gate for her,,the compound was

ope " She murmu

in the line,

e have been coming

oing the interview " One of them said and

the interview " Another o

las so badly,, am not here fo

of the ladies are here beca

e she said am putting on rags " A

aire's only child? Of course she's

lly right. How can she put on suc

Nicholas will be

one failing the interview,it

in " The guard

rly before going in,,the moment she got in

razy ' Kris

u please do something about it?

head but Kristen only smiled a

ame " Je





and can speak good Engli


I think I can manage

me?' Kristen

e, but who cares?? We

and Jenna got do

back so I can show him I've gotten

e be back??"

know " S

ite her lips and

it now. Just because this kid doesn't like long ha


sleeping when a sof

meet him now. I will take you

ously and stood up,

e' Kristen thought

d the stair

to carry you Jenn

id,am five "

help,, that's har

na stopped and faced

her brow,what i

nanny yet " she scoff

ore than she imagined. After walking for few m

,," Jenna whispered to

re " Jenna said

t be shocked but she was. The young man in front of

nanny??" Ni

daddy,,,you haven't even

led and touc

will get back to you " He


the door and c

's your nam

,, another rou

en " Sh

ied or

" She

ou sure you can take care of her?? She must be sati

of her sir " She said w

an start tomor

e she could finish her sta

type of pe

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