img DAWN : A new beginning  /  Chapter 4 FINANCIAL GAP | 10.00%
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Word Count: 1419    |    Released on: 04/12/2021

y. We reached Greenland brothel around 8:30pm. My father will be waiting for us at the Greenland front gate at exactly 8:30pm. He wrote that in the note he left. It was obviou

irection. "What if Mother sees us. Remember, we are not allowed to come near this place. " "Don't worry she won't see us. " I said trying to maintain confidence. My mother will let my siblings roam round the entire streets of London with the exception of Greenland brothel. She warned them severally never to go there. My younger siblings are good with secrets. There were times I sneaked out o

m and not speak. I don't want them to know anything please. " I warned. "I Understand my child. I don't know how to thank you. " he said almost in tears. I turned away and stretched out my right palm towards him. He placed two thousand naira in it then went to look at my younger siblings again. He lifted Tami up, hugged him and almost spoke then

t. Sometimes she comes home past 11pm. In the note my father left, he pleaded with me to take my siblings to the gate of Greenland. He couldn't come because my Mother would send him to jail if he dares. He also promised to tip us when we get there. I wouldn't have gone to the brothel tonight but I had too

brief prayer then dash out to the kitchen to make breakfast. After that, I bath Tami while Kiki and Osifa clean themselves. I supervise them and ensure they wear thier uniforms properly before leaving for school. Osifa washes the dishes while Kiki cleans the room. The

ed. "Really? I thought we ran out of everything. " she said while entering the room. Of course we ran out of foodstuffs. While returning from Greenland brothel yesterday after seeing our father, I bought buns and chocolate f

d scream in Mama Funke's room. My Mother and I rushed to her room and saw her wailing and screaming "She's dead. My daughter is dead. I am finished. " Meanwhile Lois her youngest daughter was lying lifeless on the bed. Our mechanic nei

our compound looking sorrowful. Lois was dead. She died before she was taken to the clinic. She was already gone just as my mother announced. We learned that she died due to complications from an abortion. She was nineteen. We weren't fr

d scarcity. It was unlike her because no matter how low the weekly income from the bar was, we barely lacked food. I was bothered. I cooked the pasta I bought from the money I collected from my father and we ate. I stopped my siblings from going out to play. I felt the atmosphere at home needed to be calm sinc

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