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Hiding Her Blush

Hiding Her Blush

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Chapter 1 : The Beginning

Word Count: 2087    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

my hand. My eyebrows were furrowed in frustration as I stared blankl

d my lips into a thin line. Even though I denied Ellie’s offer multiple times, s

e stared at me expectantly for an answer. “I promise you that tonight’

pouted her lips at my response. “Ellie…” I trai

r voice a little bit. I grimaced at her cring

u won’t be able to convince me otherwise.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I slumpe

glint of desperation in them. “I really want you t

lap. I would honestly go with Ellie to this party if there weren’t any prominent figures from the entertainment

emories washed over me. I met Ellie during my brief time in the entertainment industry. Emphasize on the word ‘brief’. L

what it’s like.” I mumbled to myself sadly. “It’s really hard

tle concern that my mother used to have. Like my mother’s, Ellie’s eyes were probing

sually did, I was surprisingly soothed by it. It was just the simple realization that I'm not alone. I appreciate

his.” Ellie’s voice was laced with concern. I bre

e recognized by those people in the industry.” I spoke rather sharply, ma

nly widened in realization. “I have an idea!” She exclai

at her sudden burs

” She responded as she grabbed my makeup bag and placed it on top of my hands. “Th

ill that work Ms. Smartypants.” I told her sarcastically, returning th

ided to prank me yet you’re here asking me how will that work. Go figure.” She rolled her eyes

d immediately gone from desperate and irritated to hopeful and happy. “But only if you h

party, what could possibly go wrong?" She added reassuringly. She walked towards my wa

among different shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, eyebrow, primer, concealer, etc. Maybe I should go for somethin

r bag? Is something missing?” Ellie asked, t

e my makeup look for tonig

ou’ll figure it out.” Ellie said assuringly as she sat down and held

I was already applying the final touches for my lips. I decided to go for a fierce look tonight to hig

g like she had seen a celebrity. I rolled my eyes

eup artist in town!” We both laughe

e dress was able to accentuate my body features and compliment my makeup. “Are you finis

the side and fixed my curls in place. I can definitely feel my hands sweat and shake lightly as I tried

last look at my appearance. A smile crept to my li

se. Ellie turned to look at me and gasped. She placed a hand over her mouth, pretending to look like she was about to

started to form from laughter. “I’m sorry, i

at we booked a while ago, I sighed with relief feeling grateful that s

me. I tried to calm myself down by shifting between looking outside checking to see if we’r

led reassuringly as she clasped my hands. Her warmth eased my nerves. We fell into silence again as she focused back

if I recognized anyone. My hands began to moist as my heart rate quickened with nervousness. Possible scenarios started to fil

is no

e. The moment I noticed that the crowd was full of young, sophisticated and prominent figures from the entertainment industry, I desperatel

arm to get her attention. “Hey, Ellie! I’m just gonna go g

umbs up. “Sure! I’ll

found my way to the bar to order a drink. “One margarita please!” I told the bartender. While waiting for my

ax. The alcohol somehow managed to turn down the volume of my th

no one recognizes

started to squirm from the intenseness of that person’s stare. I finally glanced up and

inent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose. His curls were midnight

t cool. I leaned on the bar, my black hair lying over one shoulder of my tight fitted d

“I’m Sand--” I cut myself short. I almost said m

ter ego, I guess. The new ‘me’ that I have created for this party. Tonight I am like Cinderella

ss slipper. I knew that I shouldn't let myself be

ame.” Thank you random stra

out his hand for




Chapter 1 : The Beginning Chapter 2 : Handsome Stranger Chapter 3 : Promise of Realness Chapter 4 : Shattered Fantasy Chapter 5 : Terrific News Chapter 6 : Unexpected Encounter Chapter 7 : Workplace Distractions Chapter 8 : Coffee Cup Conversations Chapter 9 : Trouble in Paradise Chapter 10 : Unpleasant Guest Chapter 11 : Too Close for Comfort
Chapter 12 : Déjà vu
Chapter 13 : Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 14 : Facing the Music
Chapter 15 : My Salvation and Torment
Chapter 16 : A Slip of the Tongue
Chapter 17 : Trying Again
Chapter 18 : Awkward Interactions & Misunderstandings
Chapter 19 : Hope for the Future
Chapter 20 : Sight for Sore Eyes
Chapter 21 : Hiding in Plain Sight
Chapter 22 : Silence as Evidence
Chapter 23 : Cowardice at its Finest
Chapter 24 : The Painful Truth
Chapter 25 : How and Why We Hurt
Chapter 26 : Sabotage
Chapter 27 : Confronting the Saboteur
Chapter 28 : Beautiful Goodbye
Chapter 29 : Rising Phoenix
Chapter 30 : Breaking My Silence
Chapter 31 : New Beginning
Chapter 32 : In the Public Eye
Chapter 33 : Shocking Discoveries
Chapter 34 : The Public's Opinion
Chapter 35 : Biting My Tongue
Chapter 36 : False Allegations
Chapter 37 : With a Push of a Button
Chapter 38 : Reignite the Spark
Chapter 39 : Careless Whisper
Chapter 40 : Taste of Dessert
Chapter 41 : Regretful Memories
Chapter 42 : Desperation at its Finest
Chapter 43 : Losing Battle
Chapter 44 : Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 45 : Liberating Truth
Chapter 46 : Threats & Opportunities
Chapter 47 : Peace at Last
Chapter 48 : Boy Troubles
Chapter 49 : Suspenseful Dinner
Chapter 50 : Pop the Question
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