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Chapter 2 : The Walk Home

Word Count: 1332    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

ing. She stared up at the glass-fronted café, feeling a sense of pride as she did so. She had done t

creeping up behind her, taking its rightful place in the night sky. The autumn breeze s

es so far. They rarely came into town, preferring to shop in the bigger cities outside of the small town. Garin was the first

turn your back.” Her grandmother’s voice floated through her mind as she followed the sidewalk through town, nearing the end of the shoppin

housing costs. Thankfully, her house on the edge of the woods was built by her great-great-grandparents

s if she could see it dancing on the wind. The large iron-wrought gate of the Estates loomed in front of her. Startled, she stopped befo

hill. A modern monstrosity that towered over the town. She could make out a large extravagant B ca

could nearly feel someone’s eyes burning into her. She turned sharply, a growl in the back of her throat. Nothin

hurried away, wondering if it was tha

had her fur instead. She followed the path home more by memory than sight. Her family’s hou

aguely make out the Brochade home, pressed against the cloudless night sky. Realizing that with binoculars they could probably see her home gave her

t door was a faded red. Willow loved this house. She had lived in it since she could remember although she knows that she was

moke, baking bread, and a spicy incense that her grandmother insisted on bur

mother’s voice carr

. Her grandmother was sitting at the kitchen island, flipping through a magazine. Her grandfather ha

l lighting hanging from the wooden beams crossing overhead. It was incre

gun to lighten over the past few years, fading from her a deep auburn to a light copper, he

low put the kettle on the stove. Willo

r grandmother’s hand stilled, and she lo


hat I am. He was rude.” Her grandmother tapped he

him before?” Will

las and Miles aro

Garin.” She sniffed and

d, pouring the steaming water over the tea leaves in her

ooked at Willow over her cat eyeglasse

me and looked like…well l

ably your ey

nd sniffed her shirt. H

nodded. “It’s the same for them. Hopefully, he won't be

the festival,” Willow replied

he said and pulled off her

ow stared down in

ng me?” her grandmothe

s eyes, I thought I felt…something.” She re

it is you think you felt, Willow. Their family has hunted us for years. Ye

I’m not proud of it. It was just nic

d pushing into her lower back. “I’m going to bed. Stay away from that boy. Only death comes from mixing w

sink and stared at her reflection in the



Chapter 1 : The Encounter Chapter 2 : The Walk Home Chapter 3 : The Truth Comes Out Chapter 4 : Intentions Chapter 5 : Curiosities Chapter 6 : When the Mask Slips Chapter 7 : While He Sleeps Chapter 8 : A Meddling Sister Chapter 9 : The Other Man Chapter 10 : Tracking His Scent Chapter 11 : An Unlikely Savior
Chapter 12 : When Flames Ignite
Chapter 13 : The Red Hoods Are Coming
Chapter 14 : Worth the Risk
Chapter 15 : Fraying Family Ties
Chapter 16 : A Risk Worth Taking
Chapter 17 : A Not So Subtle Threat
Chapter 18 : If They Only Knew
Chapter 19 : Love's Sacrifice
Chapter 20 : A Little White Lie
Chapter 21 : A Clear Warning
Chapter 22 : Marking His Territory
Chapter 23 : The New Alpha
Chapter 24 : Hard Conversations
Chapter 25 : The Naked Truth
Chapter 26 : A Decision is Made
Chapter 27 : One Fell Swoop
Chapter 28 : The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree
Chapter 29 : A Dark and Twisted Path
Chapter 30 : The Huntress
Chapter 31 : A Council Warned
Chapter 32 : Here Comes the Bride
Chapter 33 : When the Alpha Calls
Chapter 34 : A Picture Tells a Thousand Words
Chapter 35 : A Summons
Chapter 36 : Set Into Motion
Chapter 37 : So It Begins
Chapter 38 : The Alpha Calls
Chapter 39 : Answering the Call
Chapter 40 : Pack Tactics
Chapter 41 : Only for Tonight
Chapter 42 : A Sudden Shift
Chapter 43 : An Attempted Treaty
Chapter 44 : A Trap is Set
Chapter 45 : Shots Fired
Chapter 46 : Field of Blood
Chapter 47 : Healing Wounds
Chapter 48 : A New Agreement is Forged
Chapter 49 : The Missing Puzzle Piece
Chapter 50 : A New Beginning
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