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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

be fully healed in about a week," the doctor says and st

made me quite nervous, as he has an intense aroma

eads, you alm

lt, I argue back. It was

erves the doctor, most likely confused by his presence. "What h

l this time I never thought to ask my mate his name, which seems very odd by now. I suppose his name

Sebastian, lets out a low gr

ur mate—who has a bandage on her head." Henry trails

ghs. "I will tell you later, ju


she's m

backs out of the room and dis

some way that I will never be able to wrap my head around, and it fascinates me. The moon goddess has been with me for as long as I ca

s, giving me nothing to argue over. "Henry, please command the guards to collect Evangeline's

nd, immediately sending soothing sensations

hat I cannot imagine. It is too difficult to answer his question, so I b

ters. "Did you know that you scared me to

to his emerald eyes, trying to take my mind

bastian explains. "It's my job to keep everyone safe,

in charge of so many people. What an immense amount

nswer my ques

those people, though I did not plan on getting hurt. Did I up

ut you put yourself on th

been pointing at my head, but it wasn't because we're mates. I may not understand what the Alpha has to do, but I don't think a title should place me above them. I was called a rogue, and I'm sure

and that is held out for my use. I reluctantly place my hand in his before standing up myself. He leans towards my ear, and I expect him to whisper to m

e says, not letting go of my hand as he leads

ask him as he continues towards the two

searches through the drawers of the large desk. "What are you looking for?" I questio

swers briefl

thin stack of white papers out of a drawer

to join

eat him as if his state

yes study my body, seeming to do ever

Sebastian tells me it is just down the hall. I close the door behind

hen I find myself peering back at me. I should have expected this—joining my mates' pack—as I am supposedly the Luna. Could this all be happening to

be apart of a pack when I cannot remember how they work? Did I ever know how they work? I was trapped in an attic for most of my child

should not be a d

she is glowing more than ever. "Are you not happy

n something about him just, just—all of this is happening so

the same, E

it will be. I can keep this from my grandmother, but my Mate, from what I know, it should

not similar. There is no reason why you s

it," I argue back. "No sane person would believe

ally right, but this time it is hard for me to trust her. My mate, Sebastian, does not seem like the type of person who would believe my nonsense. How am I expect

all because of who I am. Sebastian is handsome, intimidating, an Alpha, and I worry tha

ing on the other side. He looks to be slightly uncomfortable, as he m

knew that it was not his fault, as the shooting fiasco

on I notice is my grandmother with her arms crossed sitting on

y kisses on my cheeks. "My Evangeline, you're okay. What on earth did you get yourself into?" For a little, ol

nt—something happened, bu

come home with me right away, and you're dr

ings from earlier seem to be sur

o a rather blank

und my m

a moment to process my words. "You're m

as a small problem on the west border," Ryker ex

? The Alpha

her hand. "Y

must stay now, I see that" she says, still trying

alright here, but I want to tell her yes. I do not want her worry

, he is a

he is,

your parents would think of all this, you being m

would be happy for me, not because he is an Alpha but because I have found my mate overall. Did they ever think that I would find my mate?

goodbye. My Grandmother took care of me when my parents could not, she loved me when my parents could not—even if she i

room, giving us t

m happy where I am, and I've got your grandfather look

an Tate,

cing back, I see my mate standing in the doorway

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