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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 15/11/2021

surprise and took up

he kitchen." No point in hiding at all.

re?" He asked brushing my hair to my ears

makes comments about my weight." It was true, he knows how to worship a woman's body like I was a goddess at his mercy. "You're actually really amazing to have sex with. Max only cared a

men tell you otherwise, especially not Maximillian." He sof

sound weird. But do you wan

at?" H

y. No feelings, no attachmen

that's go

really want to be in a relationship after just being from


never betray my best friend after the things I did in the past. But I have to ad

can't know." I told her. I can

, she doesn't think I f

t we file

t go of that loser." She pleaded, holding m

e hurt you. God knows how many times

ust want us to be in peace." I contemplated for a little w

eace with him, she was just traumatized and scared of him. She didn't have any parents to guide her growing up and so her idea of romance was

ed that she deserves so much more than these losers. I wan

e we're going to go on with this agreement,


casually. I mean I still wan

sleeping around with

ng this until we find our match right?" That tick a little


do you have a

he edge." That was a little personal ru

then stood up tak

asked 'I thought we wer

about something." I felt a little di

someone to bring m

e on the table

me and gave me a quick little

now.' The thrill of hiding it as a little secret from

nto mine and her soft moans turn me on. I craved for her every night. I never really found her this attractive until the night at Apo

ke all the weight on my chest was quickly lifted, and I wa

ut it, I then called Jonah, m

le something for me. Deal with Maximillia

it b

lood. Plus the Moore's are merely upper-middle-class people. Him or his family won

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