img Betrothed To The Mafia Boss  /  Chapter 4 Our choice | 80.00%
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Chapter 4 Our choice

Word Count: 736    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

out her ha

e take a proper loo


ng, Aunty"

holds my face

ecome so beautiful, I can ha

he man and gr


ul, Jason is so going to be he


ype, I believe they are match m

peaking highly of him, I can tell he's

marriage wil

n't he come with you?" Mom a


I hear a deep aloring v

liar, it's just the s

raise my head to see the ow

r than an orange wh

y Gree




this ca

on. He can't be the Jas


lle's resi

a come here but dad forced, so he shouldn't

t stupid, ugly girl I saw yesterda

med when I see t

his is the girl

owed eyes, I was hoping I'd ne

se of a taxi, hmm. I guess I

steps towards her, as she

n my Mom

lready know each



her big eyes, ugly face and stunted

let her be the girl I'm eng

then turned to me. She pulls me

ed to behav

ck to the ugly gir

e let's go i

girl and scoffed. S

it's a shame its bea

, no. I'll call

the dinning table where I see di

aid and help ugly Camila si

th her parents. Now the only seat l

sit down, then I raised my head a

glare and she qu

least she's

d we all dig in, well they dig i

g, I can tell she's tr

foot on this one. It's

ried my best" Mrs

e. I bet Camila will be a good

b on my salad imagining I'm actua

see my reaction but she

d hardly recognize him. He's su

a smile, just

nk of Camila, isn't she b

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