img Custodians of Tomorrow  /  Chapter 5 Drama in the Chamber | 71.43%
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Chapter 5 Drama in the Chamber

Word Count: 1343    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

g Amsah up. They both crawl out. Wind brushes pa

se pulled it open. It was Madam Lavoti. She looked at the two of them scornfully moving her eyeballs up and down repeatedly. Blood ran quickly through Am

ed Jedsy to take your meal to your chamber as Amsah did not come out to tell us why you wouldn’t be dinning with the others. Have you seen your

didn’t want to wake her up and I wasn’t sure what to say

Amsah, ” Madam Lavoti replied looki

’s fault. It’s mine. I just dozed off a few hours to dinner and I guess she didn’t want to disturb me,” Amsah replied

gaze back to the Princess hoping to understand why they both sounded wei

close, ”

e how she was looking right at us? I hope I don’t lose my job

ates to me before it is initiated. Ca

eads down walking cautiously as they passed the lounge. Ma

mala’s chamber and Amsah pushed the door as she inputted the lock code. The door finally opened and she

o take off the scarf. “See what I have to go through everyday,” Shanmala added. Amsah turned around raising the veil to e

t me like that?” Shanmala

our own life? We cannot like everything in our lives you know, so we have to live the good si

ll you. If you were me, you would have gone on those cra

t you said everything that relates to you isn’t initiated till you approve of it. Those are your own words yet yo

, he will be disappointed. I cannot tell the Priest I need more time, he made himself really clear that they was no time. I’m not ready to get hooked but no, I’m a princess so I must follow the traditions. I must ma

can become a palace worker or join any home in Santala and they’ll gladly adopt you. Then, you will be fre

ng me,” Shanmala a

m hungry and exhausted, ” Amsah said yawning,

way, it’s a quarter past 22:00 and you will have to give the guards sat

mplating her suggestion. She w

y Genjoh. I don’t understand what’s so difficu

night and maybe morning too,” she said smiling weirdly. “A

I have to role play if he hap

at a lot,” Shanmala re

of Shanmala. She carried the ceramic plate and uncovered it, boiled cereals a

hey both looked at each other then they cont

nd came again and c

s at the door,”

to be here, you go check,”

at her angrily then she dropped her food. She stood up adjusting her gown walking tow

l!” the masculi

Prince of Fananala. She became completely paralyzed unsure of what to do or

id shocked at her response. “I’m

rself again. She raised her face veil exposing

as throwing a question and not urging him to come inside.

replied s

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