img Under the Sun  /  Chapter 6 There is no enough room for two elephants to sit in the same shade | 85.71%
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Chapter 6 There is no enough room for two elephants to sit in the same shade

Word Count: 510    |    Released on: 09/11/2021

lost. It was a night of sorrow with everywhere full of dust and smoke. The people of Gidan-kowa gathered outside

s it only Gidan-kowa? We bury more than five dead bodies ever

illing, we are tired of carrying dea

spent few years have bitten the dust. We hav

carrying dead bodies, we want just

illaihi rajiun.”

hiefs) uttered with his mouth wide opened

and their daughters were all burnt with the h

nravel this mystery”, Musa proclaimed. Mai-angwa

iscussed thoroughly the ferocious incidents that had been happening in thei

further. The incident that has been disturbing us is becoming unbearable. We can’t just fold our ar

rk freely at night because of the fear of being robbed and kidnapped. Even at day time, we have to watch our

without any delay, because we don

prayer because he who does not shave

to change, we need to find other ways, or maybe we shoul

y Almighty Allah can save our land. We don’t need to disturb sarki (king) with this i

ut the community till sunset when th

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