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My Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO

My Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO

Author: Author kelvin
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Chapter 1 The day everything went wrong

Word Count: 1476    |    Released on: 02/11/2021

waiting for her boyfriend. She had not received any special gifts, flowers, cards or

was set. Oh! Apart from him. Who knows why he is taking so long, it sh

the table and continuously check

alking in and out, with matching outfits of red and white color

ove with his bow and arrow. She had thought of getting on

d ordered to make the moment more special. Her


ad studied creative arts and design. Hopefully, one


ce. Not only was he late for their date, but he was dressed in black. Why can’t he t

s going on there. He was tall, handsome with an undercut hairstyle that looked real good

took a seat at the table, directly o

on’t be late this time,” she

n, completely flawless. She possessed black, curly, silky hair and it was damn natural, she didn’t need to use a c

one to look beautiful, her long nose hung perfectly at the right spot and her lips were

,” he responded plainly, like

important than their valentine's date? He wasn’t even sorry about it, and her

it go anyway; at le

t did you get me?” She queri

m but she would be happy if he fi

hat was holding him back in the past few months was her schooling

I couldn’t get something for you

interrupted him feel

ck and he didn’t get a gift eith

g at all. As a rule of thumb, you should get me somethin

sure you would love,” she said, trying to br

chair and placed it on the table, and then

ing I need to tell you.”

cut him short. She finally found w

med and brought out a beautiful S

had since December to start saving. For a

hat her boyfriend wasn’t excited about her present, h

izzical expression on her face. “Is it the watch?

e half-yelled at her in fru

downwards. “Pardon me Aria, but

What was not working?

en I can return it and if you are not in the mood for

ean that this relationship is not

that instant. This is Feb. 14th no

me because you are busted already.” She forced a smile, hopin

t do this anymore, I have tried my best to take you as a lo

ak up with me. I love you Dave and everything has

is really happening? He was breaking up with h

going just fine?” he asked with a g

baby stuff during the summer period, we planned to move into a new house and start

g to push us on but this is simply not working, we have come to a dead end

as a friend, we could still get married. I am not complaining, just

most beautiful lady I have ever met, you are also nice a

doesn’t affect our friendship; I will be leaving this city t

, this was the worst valentine in the history of valentine days a

he dark streets, never to be seen again. At least that’s what she tho

eceived on valentine's day, there w


aling with grief, and it was a bad habit sh




Chapter 1 The day everything went wrong Chapter 2 One night stand Chapter 3 Getting Reprimanded Chapter 4 Pregnant for an unknown Chapter 5 Her Baby's Daddy Is Mr CEO Chapter 6 Going after him
Chapter 7 We meet again, Mr. CEO
Chapter 8 The Baby is not mine!!
Chapter 9 He would have to accept his responsibilities!!
Chapter 10 She sent a demand letter
Chapter 11 They came to an agreement
Chapter 12 The CEO'S invitation
Chapter 13 The date that went wrong
Chapter 14 Hospital reports are out
Chapter 15 Oliver is her Baby's Daddy
Chapter 16 Why did you reject the money
Chapter 17 Can we be friends
Chapter 18 An excited Billionaire
Chapter 19 A Billionaire's baby mama
Chapter 20 Don't fall for his lies
Chapter 21 Knowing each other better
Chapter 22 Would you marry me
Chapter 23 I accept
Chapter 24 The engagement party
Chapter 25 Married
Chapter 26 An addition to the Gomez Family
Chapter 27 Rosie and Sammy
Chapter 28 A happy family
Chapter 29 Grandpa Gomez is coming back
Chapter 30 I don't want to fall in love
Chapter 31 Return of Grandpa Go
Chapter 32 The surprise
Chapter 33 An Asian wife for the CEO
Chapter 34 You won't divorce me, would you
Chapter 35 I would never leave you, Honey Bunny.
Chapter 36 Grandpa Gomez insists
Chapter 37 A game of Chess
Chapter 38 Asian food
Chapter 39 Nora and Miss Gomez
Chapter 40 She is
Chapter 41 Heart Attack
Chapter 42 Divorce papers
Chapter 43 Divorced!!
Chapter 44 Pain and heartbreak
Chapter 45 Separated!!
Chapter 46 I have to run!
Chapter 47 Grandma Margareta
Chapter 48 Oliver's big plan
Chapter 49 Aria is gone!
Chapter 50 London!!
Chapter 51 A broken CEO
Chapter 52 A Billionaire baby mama
Chapter 53 Moving on
Chapter 54 Nora is a cheat
Chapter 55 Grandpa Gomez realizes the truth
Chapter 56 Nora is kicked out
Chapter 57 She is gone for good
Chapter 58 Will you marry me, Aria
Chapter 59 Still in love with her ex.
Chapter 60 Leaving was her choice
Chapter 61 A Princess in seek of her King
Chapter 62 The girl who has no father
Chapter 63 A Queen is enough
Chapter 64 Sammy Proposed
Chapter 65 I am getting married, come back to Las Vegas
Chapter 66 Help me save a contract
Chapter 67 Back in Las Vegas
Chapter 68 Aria, it is you
Chapter 69 Family reunion
Chapter 70 Father and daughter gets to know each other better
Chapter 71 Do you still love him
Chapter 72 Lena's the boss
Chapter 73 The plan
Chapter 74 At the beach
Chapter 75 The plan failed
Chapter 76 Paris
Chapter 77 The Boutique is closed
Chapter 78 Seeking
Chapter 79 Be mine again Aria
Chapter 80 Going on Vacation
Chapter 81 We can't share
Chapter 82 How did you meet
Chapter 83 Sleepwalking
Chapter 84 Arrival at Hawaii
Chapter 85 The Dos and Don'ts
Chapter 86 There is no plan
Chapter 87 Pearl harbor
Chapter 88 Plan one
Chapter 89 Waikiki Beach
Chapter 90 Surfing
Chapter 91 Royal Hawaiian center
Chapter 92 Let's be friends
Chapter 93 Oliver is shot
Chapter 94 How could you
Chapter 95 I am moving on
Chapter 96 You can't give up, Dad!
Chapter 97 Iolani palace
Chapter 98 Susan Malcolm
Chapter 99 Susan is injured
Chapter 100 The unexpected guest
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