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Love Slave

Love Slave

Author: Simgel
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Chapter 1 Friendship beyond status

Word Count: 381    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

oner parents in the city of Paradise, is extremely happy about

university as a result of her e

. These two are extremely close to each other and love themselves heartily irrespective of their wide social statuses . Myla, the 24 year old lady has the believe that true friendship isn't based on the class of familie

who happens to be just the daughter of a commoner is one to truly admire. The two ladies met while still in college where Petra as a new student in college was trying to find her wa

and from there, the two became friends which after in a short run became best of friends. The love these two shared was beyond wo

ng to pick her up to the university . The girls shared some am

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