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My brother is my mate Series

My brother is my mate Series

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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 898    |    Released on: 03/11/2021

o it!" I sighed

at?" Callie

this game every flipping time we

ghed "I'm just natural

to beat you!" I threw

on... Wait, nope I

ard not even google can find you" I p

nd?" My brother Asher

she won't let me beat her.

nds up like I was

d sitting down on

estly, yes my brother is... Hot. His dark messy brown hair that was always tossed, an

ught that way about my own

iled at my brother. My

ng Pre- Birthday boy?" I as

st wish I would hu

... painful?"I aske

." he smiled at me. Damn his

et." Callie

nging the subject... saving my fri

e fake growled. I just rolled my e

asked stacking the cards back up

y not." H

this even happen? Why can't I win just one? I only ask to win

Callie. I of course was sent back like 20 spaces! I w

! You can beat

f sweat coiled on his fore

d had to move back two spaces,

through his chest, and

?" I asked him bac

" he snap

true terror. His eyes were no longer blue a

ars threatened to spill

I couldn't tell if it was mine until I opene

is hands shot up to his hair he began to grunt and moan

nd dad scurried over to Asher, soo

y. Then the room went silent the only thing we could hear was the sudden SNAP of

ever would you think

back again screaming a


ng, and grabbing Asher's arms and legs, grunting as th

ad grunted carrying m

ie scrambled

ing at dads arms and attempting

lled crying. It su

in place. we all looked at Asher his eyes w

He cracked a smile his new sharp canines pi

look like your dying dumb ass' but just like that he snapped out of this peac

o" dad c

d as I watched my older b

mewhere deep ins

poor Brother." Pain it was a "He lef

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