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Not His Type

Not His Type

Author: Suzangill
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Chapter 1 The Club

Word Count: 884    |    Released on: 18/10/2021

ss of whiskey in my hand,

as my gaze travels to the sweaty

rs,others dancing withou

ot fond of thi

,this was

ness is my

ide my office,when my grey eyes took

e I saw a figure clothed

an old knitted sweater ,Kh


the glass down to s

ggling to make way

their shoulders,as

t the person to be a short timid

prominent enough

eyes from me, tucking her hair inside along with. I could o

she got in,the manual clearly s

l I mysel

size shirts no wa

the crowd,till she stops in

t slowly

fun. I thought and

he emerges out, swe

ingers running on her lips and

my lips as star

my men for being

g this scared sheep further,

,I proceeds tow

for today, determined to

s time, or rathe


register, dissapointed in the i

e, but the replenishment o

s definite

s determined

l, considering ho

siness. And every

d if someone is stealing,t

re people I

pted when one of the gua

n acknow

ston. But the security caught a man s

ng my back and giving

and emotion

d hi

to only return th

the person they were r

ame black cap gi

s behind her back and weight sh

h a raise


e in my mind. Have I hired

y see she

at her generally,sh

in and undernutri

ed to check him to see if he has stole

the other. Enjoying t

e will not let random men touc

er for next few seconds

leave. I will ha

ds and leave. Clos

o the girl ,I see her rubbi

those long slender fingers and unpainte

has a reason

her,to play with he

what did

ulps to lower h

lips behind the

as expected and I

hing ,she herself

g me


to add that fake heaviness in her vo

onsider me

ith the act,

why don't yo

ost corne

and her hands clench to

to leave her lips ,as he


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