img Fall in love with bad boys  /  Chapter 4 NO. | 2.70%
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Chapter 4 NO.

Word Count: 1937    |    Released on: 17/10/2021

ure of


confusion. We drove across town just for a diner that was a few

not going to

appears in front of me, his eyebrow raising. I quickly walk behind him and walk in the di


ite and red. I notice the counter that goes across the whole dinner

red hair walks out. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun at the to

oo long! What can I do for you today?" The girl a

I'll just get two cheeseburger meals." Sam says and he slides a twenty

ot disappearing from her face and for a split second, she notices

because I am not wearing my jacket, I think to myself before running over to the booth and sitting against the window, letting o

bout to say something before he gets cut o

sks. "Yeah she's fine." Sam says, glancing over at me and he nods slowly. "Okay, I'll a

e tonight?" Sam asks me and I nod slowly. I

Bye." Sam says before hanging up the

sk, curiosity getti

lies, turning his gaze

Alec?" I ask Sam and he looks ove

quite annoyed. I shake my head, smiling slight

explains and I nod. All of a sudden, I notice Sally appear wit

walks away, she looks over at me and sends

furrow my eyebrows and notice Sam's eyes o

at Sally who is making her way back to the kitchen. I lo

n't k

rds the car. Instead of thinking that Sam would actually hurry since i

out his keys and clicks a button, making the car lights flash. I immediately open the car do

r my breath and Sam looks ove

r w

because of you." I snap coldly, ru

or - wait, I actually don't care." Sam

rse yo

e faint music playing from the stereo is currently keeping me calm and relaxed, whi

e that we has passed the school. With my eyes widen, I look

oing?" I ask as we s

m replies

ocker and my mom is going to be so angry at

e up. I flick his hand away and send Sam a g

your jacket tomorrow and lastly, do you really want to go back just to hear mor

t like a whisper. Sam glances o

at do y

ok out the window, watching the


pen the door and run out in the pouring rain. Before I know it, I open the car door and immediately run under the she

nd I watch as he takes off his leathe

a 'drama queen'." I retort and he chuckles, walking over to the

begin to play on the television and I look up. The song Love Your


ng to curl up in a ball. As we both watched the video, boredom cl

a sudden, I l

ged the channel..

der. He raises an eyebrow at me and I glare at him

." I say, staring i

s, a small chuckle escaping his li

ou can use normal, appropriate words?" I

our point much more stronger and bold."

by the sound of a laugh escaping someone's lips.

while Hayden grabs an apple from the fruit bowl. Alec

g here?" Alec speaks up and I

ere j

d I look over at Sam who is g

e pushes and Sam

ay at the same time a

den says and I remember when Sam told me at the diner th

his leather jacket, which is soaking wet by the way,

p on the couch, sitting on both sides of me. "Wh

l." I say slowly and point to the

n his face. "Okay, what team is that?" Cole asks and I look at th

it's th

whisper in ear and I

believe me but we were hav

s and I open my eyes, look

o to almost kiss." Alec adds an

sn't even close to that!" I pr

ing subject we have going now but I am starving and I am ready for some CO

Alec let's out a laugh, looking ov


Alec let out a groan. Cole joins me and laughs a

- Ed

ment, and a




Chapter 1 NO. Chapter 2 NO. Chapter 3 NO. Chapter 4 NO. Chapter 5 NO. Chapter 6 NO.
Chapter 7 NO.
Chapter 8 NO.
Chapter 9 NO.
Chapter 10 NO.
Chapter 11 NO.
Chapter 12 NO.
Chapter 13 NO.
Chapter 14 NO.
Chapter 15 NO.
Chapter 16 NO.
Chapter 17 NO.
Chapter 18 NO.
Chapter 19 NO.
Chapter 20 NO.
Chapter 21 NO.
Chapter 22 NO.
Chapter 23 NO.
Chapter 24 NO.
Chapter 25 NO.
Chapter 26 NO.
Chapter 27 NO.
Chapter 28 NO.
Chapter 29 NO.
Chapter 30 NO.
Chapter 31 NO.
Chapter 32 NO.
Chapter 33 NO.
Chapter 34 NO.
Chapter 35 NO.
Chapter 36 NO.
Chapter 37 NO.
Chapter 38 NO.
Chapter 39 NO.
Chapter 40 NO.
Chapter 41 NO.
Chapter 42 NO.
Chapter 43 NO.
Chapter 44 NO.
Chapter 45 NO.
Chapter 46 NO.
Chapter 47 NO.
Chapter 48 NO.
Chapter 49 NO.
Chapter 50 NO.
Chapter 51 NO.
Chapter 52 NO.
Chapter 53 NO.
Chapter 54 NO.
Chapter 55 NO.
Chapter 56 NO.
Chapter 57 NO.
Chapter 58 NO.
Chapter 59 NO.
Chapter 60 NO.
Chapter 61 NO.
Chapter 62 NO.
Chapter 63 NO.
Chapter 64 NO.
Chapter 65 NO.
Chapter 66 NO.
Chapter 67 NO.
Chapter 68 NO.
Chapter 69 NO.
Chapter 70 Book2 NO.1
Chapter 71 Book2 NO.2
Chapter 72 Book2 NO.3
Chapter 73 Book2 NO.4
Chapter 74 Book2 NO.5
Chapter 75 Book2 NO.6
Chapter 76 Book2 NO.7
Chapter 77 Book2 NO.8
Chapter 78 Book2 NO.9
Chapter 79 Book2 NO.10
Chapter 80 Book2 NO.11
Chapter 81 Book2 NO.12
Chapter 82 Book2 NO.13
Chapter 83 Book2 NO.14
Chapter 84 Book2 NO.15
Chapter 85 Book2 NO.16
Chapter 86 Book2 NO.17
Chapter 87 Book2 NO.18
Chapter 88 Book2 NO.19
Chapter 89 Book2 NO.20
Chapter 90 Book2 NO.21
Chapter 91 Book2 NO.22
Chapter 92 Book2 NO.23
Chapter 93 Book2 NO.24
Chapter 94 Book2 NO.25
Chapter 95 Book2 NO.26
Chapter 96 Book2 NO.27
Chapter 97 Book2 NO.28
Chapter 98 Book2 NO.29
Chapter 99 Book2 NO.30
Chapter 100 Book2 NO.31
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