img Losing You  /  Chapter 3 Emily | 16.67%
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Chapter 3 Emily

Word Count: 1150    |    Released on: 30/09/2021

, you need to inform that before. Otherwise, we are good at sharing our food. I got a job. I work as a part-timer at a cafe. I love my boss. He is a 50-year-old man. He is like a father figure

erever I go, I only find him. He was in the cafe as well. I mean, it’s open to everyone, but he is questionable. Is he s

comes over


king towards the next class that will be h

have to finish my

are comin

are we


attended an

t think

e. You ar

pick you


irl. Ok

our team. Our team players are on a roll today. Our goalkeeper blocks all the balls. The opposition can’t make a

m put her hand

?” I a

the win.” Ed

I have never been to a party.

. Not late at a

d and pulled me towards the car. I like her. She is cool. She

friend. Ed and Annie also join the football guys. I’m not close with any of them

rink?” Justin

, wine for Sam, and wh

ks. I don

ing,” Jus

5 minutes with the drink

l drink this.” I give him my

nk y

lk with each other.” Justin


I shake my h


are you




o you

ows you. Tha

ive, and hopef

ow. Sam and Jacob are

nce?” Just


So will you be my dancing part

n’t d

kes my hands and walks

ween us. He is looking into my eyes. I don’t know what to do in this situation. My heart is pounding so fast. He pulls me by my waist. My head is on his chest. I can feel his breath on my shoulder. We d

s drunk now. Annie is also busy with her on and off boy

,” Justin

caught me of

and I’m your dri

u know tha

with one of my friends. H


s go

e with him. I follow him to his car and hop

king it here?”

etter than my town. I just mi

my driveway. He opens my door while I u

nk y

e was al

to turn around when he st

ing tomorrow?” W


id he just ask m


you. I want to get to know

ink it’s a

t’s the be

body trembles. I just look at him.

my work duration. Before I say anything, he p

d ni

oor and keep thinking about the kiss. I’m playing everything in my mind. The dance, kiss, closeness, everything. I enjoy the nigh

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