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His Epitome Of Beauty

His Epitome Of Beauty

Author: happywriter18
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Chapter 1 His Conditions

Word Count: 623    |    Released on: 25/09/2021

N’s P

ng that Dad told me earlier. Every single condition that I need to

ve it to me, Dad?” I a

errera Corp. How I wish that he would step o

I can’t entrust the company t

asked out o

s that you are the father of that family, Darren. The family I struggled to build for several years. Ho

ad. And I don’t want to settle

errera Corp. I’ll wait until you get married in order to make sure that you hav

of some other way to get my Dad’s approval. All my life, I worked so hard to be in this position. To have ever

d a call from someone. It was my Dad’s secretary, i

at you’ll come. He said it’s very im

I don’t w

d. And please do come, Sir Dar

A few minutes passed and after realizing what I’ve just done, I texted my bestfriend st

n’t you just be nice to y

rlier? I’ll make sure that I’m going to be a p

u should be always on his good side if you

d, pissed at his

ou don’t wanna listen to me, that’s

t the company whatever it takes.

the spirit!


t even invited. And that par

invitation t

ver. I’ll think ab

all day long. Like what Elijah had said before, I need to be on my Dad’s good side to get his ap

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