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His revenge, Her Entanglement

His revenge, Her Entanglement

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Chapter 1 New life

Word Count: 1729    |    Released on: 21/09/2021


med Greg,I deliver almost Four trucks loade

nd was married to a very b

emanding for a truck of Ammunitions,Greg quick

im that I was a fast and better driver compared to his slow way of driving. He was annoyed, I co

was driving when I received a call from my best friend Andrew “He also

nnocent protesters over the rape and killing of a min

concluded not to deliver the truck. I quickly parked

wrong,I explained everything to my wife and told her to quickl

e grabbed me by the neck and gave me a hard punch on the chin ca

ded by my boss and my co workers,I tried to get up but r

d and was holding a pistol,I panicked and pleaded solemnly “Am s

are getting complicated this days and I am also confus

d blood oozed from her he

g said to one of his bodyguard, my son was dragged away as I scre

guess I'll keep it for later, take him away You know where h

n your ass and have you tied to a tree, you'll get whippe

lind folded then placed

d, my blind fold was removed and I was united then led u

ce looking dirty and dusty. There was a dirty l

wife,I wept silently and sweard t

lood. I tried getting close to her but she kept on running away from me yelli

and stretched a bit,it was already getting late, I was feeling a little bit better, but

s and stuffs for you,Greg says if he see

anging my stuffs when my stomach suddenly grumbled, “well I don't really care if I starve to dea

king him to death. “Not yet” I thought. He looked at me with an evil smile on his face

nt anything from you!!” I yelled

I heard their car drove off. His friend, Davis was different. We barely had grudes but that doesn

or and started thinking of my wife again I wept bitterly cursing G

wenty minutes thinking.

nd stared at the door furiously. “Hey open up we've b

gonna live it here,you should eat if you don't want to die” he said

verything I have so I have no reason to live anymore” I tho

d was feeling very weak. i

oing to end,will I even g

to death without getting my revenge” “I must eat something else Greg us

way angrily. “am not gonna eat anything he brings”, “Am gonna get my s

trees, I started going deep,I walked for about five

til I heard foot

ht, I turned back and there was a wolve s

way” I thought and started taking steps back but it was also moving closer,I

wolve started moving slowly towards me growling, I closed

Nick and Davis were standing both holding pistols

lfs to join you here” Nick said and started walking, I fo

hopping bag outside the old house,

fs,This should be enough for some couple of weeks

by,we are gonna pay him some money to give you anything y

ake my bath where am I supposed to do that?

he hill,Davis was also following u

I nodded ,we then went back to where ther

s he brought,stored some beefs in a friedge which though wasn't working, The house ha

inished, I laid down, I was

he eaten to tomorrow ” I

ether. I still couldn't believe I would loose her so easily, “W

ntil I s



Chapter 1 New life Chapter 2 Strange encounter Chapter 3 New companion Chapter 4 Rescue mission Chapter 5 Going back home Chapter 6 Trip to dallas
Chapter 7 Wrong
Chapter 8 The plan
Chapter 9 New apartment
Chapter 10 Jane's choice
Chapter 11 Came the right time
Chapter 12 Never wished for these
Chapter 13 Dad troubles me
Chapter 14 Fake friend
Chapter 15 Dinner Date
Chapter 16 Burning desire
Chapter 17 Sick of her Dad
Chapter 18 Freedom at last
Chapter 19 Close call
Chapter 20 The right man for the job
Chapter 21 Serious shit
Chapter 22 Burning desire pt 2
Chapter 23 Sneaking in
Chapter 24 Sneaking in pt 2
Chapter 25 Suspicion
Chapter 26 Rock some ass
Chapter 27 Striking a deal
Chapter 28 New friend
Chapter 29 Hunter becomes hunted
Chapter 30 It's over
Chapter 31 Moans
Chapter 32 In his face
Chapter 33 Greg's back
Chapter 34 A bait
Chapter 35 Something's fishy
Chapter 36 Grandma's gone
Chapter 37 End of Mr Harrison
Chapter 38 Phil's back!
Chapter 39 The end, is it
Chapter 40 Josh returns
Chapter 41 Jerry's last breath
Chapter 42 Walking in
Chapter 43 Ransom
Chapter 44 Suspicious help
Chapter 45 Man handled
Chapter 46 Brian comes to the rescue!
Chapter 47 Heading Home
Chapter 48 Striking a deal
Chapter 49 Rush hour
Chapter 50 Left to die
Chapter 51 Still in the game
Chapter 52 Intruder
Chapter 53 Dorothy's troubles
Chapter 54 Crazy plan
Chapter 55 Robbing the bank 1
Chapter 56 Robbing the bank 2
Chapter 57 Shares
Chapter 58 Strange parcel
Chapter 59 Attack at midnight
Chapter 60 Betrayed
Chapter 61 In his face
Chapter 62 Meeting her
Chapter 63 Annie's place
Chapter 64 Fooling around
Chapter 65 Fast and furious
Chapter 66 Pissed off
Chapter 67 Fast phase
Chapter 68 Phil is detained
Chapter 69 Torture chamber
Chapter 70 Jack pot
Chapter 71 Bad idea
Chapter 72 House Inspector
Chapter 73 Rescue plan
Chapter 74 Ace is free!
Chapter 75 Got away with them
Chapter 76 Phone call
Chapter 77 The End
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