img Lust That Last  /  Chapter 3 2 | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 2

Word Count: 803    |    Released on: 25/09/2021

ed to see to say it. you always look good. Please s

y single on

etting smaller by

s just to recharge myself from the shits I've been doing. I'm tired filling others expectations but sin

aid while gathering her

go" Velentina s

class for tomorrow." I said then go to the crowd to fetch th

at him for a second and get shookt when he turn his head to look at me. I tri

an't deny that he's good loo

mind, I'll just f

king i found the bitch cli

k?" I ask at Luc

htly said to me l

n your want us to pick you up" I re

ave a perfect ass and curvy body.

she has walked away already f

ing my ass i

e show

k at him with my

- no drags me the hell out of

car keys o

ear his breathing is getting he

s as i start to reach

r and after a few st

is jaw, as well as his hands grip ti

n my house first" I just don't give a fuck to what he's saying

s down to make

is shaft inside his brief then tugs it to

t. My thumb is reaching at his pierced tip jerking it off aft

my throat. it's sexy as fuck. I wonder what will

g" He said

said then continue to

ponytail moving it hard up a

uck my mouth whi

im then proceed to the balls as start to suc

d moaning my name then starts to tighten his

athless while sucking his balls. He

“I can't help it” He then remove his seatb

e on my mountains while his o

lower his hand

d smut scene. don't worry

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