img Along with the Murderer  /  Chapter 2 4 years ago 1.1 | 6.25%
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Chapter 2 4 years ago 1.1

Word Count: 1144    |    Released on: 08/09/2021

an almost two meters tall man cutting a vegetable with a sharp knife, preparing the meal for the special guest who will soon be arriving and

e, "When do you thi

maybe eight i

a long time since

heard that he will visit an

iness after our parents. He can h

s him

I miss

forth with himself. But there were different intonations in his voice as if the


ard. The tall man’s long legs immediately led the body out of the kitchen to the f


hing. But their height was different, the body that was slightly thinner than him, and


d you already making fun of my nickname. If your

come in

arge suitcase in the hand. He left it in the ha

s on your hair? I'll pick it up for you.” the blac

ase, and

hining gray eyes stared at the younger brother in remembrance. The memories of the old days that the two of them

and face. While wiping the face George glanced at the cooking counter. Bea

king?" the blonde

s already been fini

eat someth

of my health, and you

girlfriend?" George aske

ion that coming out of his brothe

thirty. I think we should

y that to

d for a while now because of this woman. Wai

he gallery. The slender fingertip scrolled for a pho

oked on Jarette's shoulder, handin

woman in the picture is not that beautiful. But surprisingly


d you m

d at the picture of the woman for only a mom

uch an amazing and lovely woman. We've been together for a few months now. Until a few

month. It was because you followed a woman. I was being happy and thought t

there is a lit

come here to sleep at your house instead

ky you that the state your woman moved to is the same state

always caug

ful, George. Such a wom

ow, she made an appointment with me to go to a bar

of the bar that his brother had just me

to know about your

eally nice talking. Let's fin

e kitchen. George walked to the living room. Leaving the young crazy man all alone. Jarette bent down and cut the green leafy vegetables on the

d. Even so, the coolness of the rain falling from the dark clouds

ng table and wash the bowls. Before Jarette leads George straight upsta


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