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Rejecting the Mating Bond

Rejecting the Mating Bond

Author: Anna Kendra
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1724    |    Released on: 01/09/2021


ll onto his forehead like a silken blanket. Sometimes, when I was alone at night, I wondered what it would feel like to run my fingers through those silken strands, to brush my fingers over those lips that could temp

plained or got clingy. He had that effect on women, no matter the age. He always, alw

f not the most dangerous of predators. He had the scent of the Alpha, would become our Alpha as soon as Alpha Nicolas retired. And we could all feel it, the time would come soon eno

d eyes that made me draw in a breath. Damn, but the guy was beautiful. No, not in a feminine way; those cheekbones, those lips, that nose...i

ing my thoughts, and I instantly looked away and focused on the paper

lities. It provides as a training facility and a school for powerful wolves. My older brother, Riley, had gone there along with Clay since they were the same age and my brother was the future beta of the pack. Clay had been handsom

acing my hand over my racing heart, I looked around me to ensure that no one had noticed my brief distraction, but everyone else seemed busy groaning over their test papers. Clay might distract everyone in

he indistinct murmurs in the class a

ing into my palm as I stared into gemstone eyes. It was

my rigid shoulders, my extremely carefully crafted poker face. “Collect all papers and bring them to my o

hs and dramatic looks while some women gave me envious glares as I took their papers, but no one spoke to me directly. They were too scared of my brother to bully me, which is one thing I had always b

er and the papers in both hands, muttering a thank you to one boy who held the door open for me so

I could deposit the papers and make a run for it. No matter how big of a crush I might have on Clay, I fou

inst my senses, but as the pack’s future healer, I’ll need to be in his contac

ion was for nothing because the staff room was completely empty when I reached it. Placing the stack of papers on the desk with Clay

oaned when she fina

.” Dorothy Summers, or Ruth, as I like to call her for short, smi

have to sneak up on me in weird places!” I told her exa

air; icy blue eyes and porcelain white skin that sometimes made me look like a ghost, if I wore all white. Dorothy was also about five feet and eight inches with voluptu

pack with her parents from a smaller neighbouring pack which was planning a major shift in location because some of their wolves had

tion of the college courtyard. That courtyard was linked to the neighbouring open

hat had an unusual outgrowth where one of the low branches touches the ground, creating a pleasant seating area for us. It was a bit further inside the forest which was fine by us

ouples hidden behind trees doing what any hormonal juvenile would b

t was awash with power and more than a bit familiar. And along with that scent

art thundered as the two sc

cking down low on the ground with me following close behind before s

nopy of the evergreen trees. But the other woman being naked wasn’t what surprised me; we were wolves who could transform into our animal counterparts with ease, and nakedness was




Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six Chapter 7 Seven Chapter 8 Eight Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty one
Chapter 22 Twenty two
Chapter 23 Twenty three
Chapter 24 Twenty four
Chapter 25 Twenty five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty seven
Chapter 28 Twenty eight
Chapter 29 Twenty nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty one
Chapter 32 Thirty two
Chapter 33 Thirty three
Chapter 34 Thirty four
Chapter 35 Thirty five
Chapter 36 Thirty six
Chapter 37 Thirty seven
Chapter 38 Thirty eight
Chapter 39 Thirty nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty one
Chapter 42 Forty two
Chapter 43 Forty three
Chapter 44 Forty four
Chapter 45 Sequel - Healing the Rogue Alpha
Chapter 46 Book 2 - Prologue
Chapter 47 Book 2 - One
Chapter 48 Book 2 - Two
Chapter 49 Book 2 - Three
Chapter 50 Book 2 - Four
Chapter 51 Book 2 - Five
Chapter 52 Book 2 - Six
Chapter 53 Book 2 - Seven
Chapter 54 Book 2 - Eight
Chapter 55 Book 2 - Nine
Chapter 56 Book 2 - Ten
Chapter 57 Book 2 - Eleven
Chapter 58 Book 2 - Twelve
Chapter 59 Book 2 - Thirteen
Chapter 60 Book 2 - Fourteen
Chapter 61 Book 2 - Fifteen
Chapter 62 Book 2 - Sixteen
Chapter 63 Book 2 - Seventeen
Chapter 64 Book 2 - Eighteen
Chapter 65 Book 2 - Nineteen
Chapter 66 Book 2 - Twenty
Chapter 67 Book 2 - Twenty one
Chapter 68 Book 2 - Twenty two
Chapter 69 Book 2 - Twenty three
Chapter 70 Book 2 - Twenty four
Chapter 71 Book 2 - Twenty Five
Chapter 72 Book 2 - Twenty six
Chapter 73 Book 2 - Twenty seven
Chapter 74 Book 2 - Twenty eight
Chapter 75 Book 2 - Twenty nine
Chapter 76 Book 2 - Thirty
Chapter 77 Book 2 - Thirty one
Chapter 78 Book 2 - Thirty two
Chapter 79 Book 2 - Thirty three
Chapter 80 Book 2 - Thirty four
Chapter 81 Book 2 - Thirty five
Chapter 82 Book 2 - Thirty six
Chapter 83 Book 2 - Thirty seven
Chapter 84 Book 2 - Thirty eight
Chapter 85 Book 2 - Thirty nine
Chapter 86 Book 2 - Forty
Chapter 87 Book 2 - Forty one
Chapter 88 Book 2 - Forty two
Chapter 89 Book 2 - Forty three
Chapter 90 Book 2 - Forty four
Chapter 91 Book 2 - Forty five
Chapter 92 Book 2 - Forty six
Chapter 93 Book 2 - Forty seven
Chapter 94 Book 2 - Forty eight
Chapter 95 Book 2 - Forty nine
Chapter 96 Book 2 - Fifty
Chapter 97 Book 2 - Fifty one
Chapter 98 Book 2 - Fifty two
Chapter 99 Book 2 - Fifty three
Chapter 100 Book 2 - Fifty four
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