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Chapter 5 The Devil in Angel Clothing

Word Count: 1387    |    Released on: 21/08/2021

in Angel

e around

and went to meet her daughter who was watching a mo

er?" Mrs Julia asked her seventeen (17) so


dened. "I just remembered I have an extra one I kept in my drawer for emergencies." She

tch some TV then I will go to bed.

the TV once you are done." Ju

was sitting on and held it to her face. "My plan did not work so I will throw you out tomorrow then will look for the s


ora's room, she noticed Aurora was

eeping Aurora?

n't. Have you se

a spare one in my drawer." Julia an

me a bedt

(a thing that is helpful or beneficial) from lord Shiva that who so ever head he places his hand should turn to ashes. With that boon he kills all whom he doesn't like and finally thinks to kill even lord Shiva in the end." Julia pause and continued. "Then a the sages


ruction finally lead to his own destruction." Julia said and both she and Aurora sa

said and yawned, clos

er forehead an


was in the military died during a shoot out between them and a group of bandits. She on the other hand was a lawyer. Even

ls." Julia said. "Open your gifts and see

saw an expensive golden wrist watch. "Aww, thank

diamonds decorated around it. "I don't like anything that has to do with silver colours, I like

ay when I got a silver shoe for Aurora you cried bitterly that

ste mum." Arabel

oughly collected the golden wrist watch from Aurora, took her si

e, okay, just ignored your

her what she likes so this

odded h



bella told her twin sister who was at

" Aurora answered. "Once I am

en." Arabella said and joined

Arabella took her twin

ce you count one to hundred (1 to

id and closed her eyes and

ed the stairs and quickly stopped to grab something

some documents on her table,

ologize for your be

said in pretence a

traction for her own gain. She quickly covered the distance between

attack, was caught off guard and she

o wait until my birthday." Arabella said and tightened her hold on her mother, bl

ed grasping and fighting for air. She started crawling towards her

er mother who was pleading with her eyes for Arabella to give her back her inhaler. "I h

e in surprising Arabella a little. She had finish

the rope from her twin sister. "I don't

idn't get to finish her statement

as she tried to fight for air. "Ca-ll 9-1

and used Julia's phone

rgency please come to house 123, my mother is struggl

e will be the

ll and went to knee

" Aurora said, touching

urt mum, I wanted to give mum her inhaler before you walked in, please do not tell t

don't like when you cry. I won

is." Arabella said with a



Chapter 1 The Curse (The Chained Dragon-Wolf) Part 1 Chapter 2 The Curse (The Chained Dragon-Wolf) Part 2 Chapter 3 The Curse (The Chained Dragon-Wolf) Part 3 Chapter 4 Willow Chapter 5 The Devil in Angel Clothing Chapter 6 Meeting Willow (Part 1)
Chapter 7 Meeting Willow (Part 2)
Chapter 8 Meeting Willow (Part 3)
Chapter 9 Willow and Aurora (Part 1)
Chapter 10 Willow and Aurora (Part 2)
Chapter 11 Willow and Aurora (part 3)
Chapter 12 Willow and Aurora (Part 4)
Chapter 13 Sebastian and Willow (Part 1)
Chapter 14 Sebastian and Willow (Part 2)
Chapter 15 Sebastian and Willow (Part 3)
Chapter 16 Sebastian and Willow (Part 4)
Chapter 17 The Truth and The Curse (Part 1)
Chapter 18 The Truth and The Curse (Part 2)
Chapter 19 The Truth and The Curse (Part 3)
Chapter 20 Willow and his Dragon-Wolf (Part 1)
Chapter 21 Willow and his Dragon-Wolf (Part 2)
Chapter 22 Willow and his Dragon-Wolf (Part 3)
Chapter 23 23
Chapter 24 24
Chapter 25 25
Chapter 26 26
Chapter 27 27
Chapter 28 28
Chapter 29 29
Chapter 30 30
Chapter 31 31
Chapter 32 32
Chapter 33 33
Chapter 34 34
Chapter 35 35
Chapter 36 36
Chapter 37 37
Chapter 38 38
Chapter 39 39
Chapter 40 40
Chapter 41 41
Chapter 42 42
Chapter 43 43
Chapter 44 44
Chapter 45 45
Chapter 46 46
Chapter 47 47
Chapter 48 48
Chapter 49 49
Chapter 50 50
Chapter 51 51
Chapter 52 52
Chapter 53 52 B (Part 2)
Chapter 54 53
Chapter 55 The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 56 55
Chapter 57 56
Chapter 58 57
Chapter 59 58
Chapter 60 59
Chapter 61 60
Chapter 62 61
Chapter 63 62
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