img My cold hearted husband  /  Chapter 3 Heartbroken | 7.89%
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Chapter 3 Heartbroken

Word Count: 722    |    Released on: 05/08/2021

k so foul ". Arham shrugged her questions and say nothing .Then he start the car and drive the car toward the haveli

g at her lovingly when he feel one hand on her shoulder ,he turn and see it was his mother .His mother smile at her and he re

d I will ask her hand from your chachu that moment but you know how he is ,he will not let her get married til

he is going to be his .He hug her mother and said thank

er for his daughter hand .His mother get happy as she always want Alya to marry Arham as he is the only heir of family ,her daughter will

elders ,her groom will be of our choice and being your elder I do not need to ask you still I am asking y

r place .Alya is going to say something wh

can they think she will marry him .Her parent think not to

d seeing her ,angry and about to ask her what happened ,when she interup

" what ' s the problem Alya ,I love you and

er position and become head of criminal. Arham you do not want wife but a servant and baby making machine .The man of this house think their wife as their property and I don't want to become someone property.I don' t want to waste all my study ,all my hardwork and become your servant and mother of your kid .You ar

m ,leaving hear

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