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Chapter 3 three

Word Count: 1122    |    Released on: 29/07/2021

ore, Alexia was a human, and she knew humans were weaklings, they might be entering into the trap of

of, we both are ten years old, while he, he looks thirteen or so, he has enjoyed at least three Years of lif

what she said, Alexia was the only friend

e would know we had escaped, an

nna miss her friend, but maybe if she escapes

u, but am not escaping, because my instinct told me

lf in things which can hurt her, but sometimes, when she looks at Rachel before they were kidnapped, she felt something in her, which tells her th

o.don't look at me like tha

at her, forgetting th

rselves, do you wanna see your family,

family, her father was dead, but she does not know about her mothe

you wann

be sure, he was not

ne of us, a human,


ike, because, you keep pin pointing over th

to raise his hands up, ac

with, we will save other children you k

ng the little girl

do it now, like esc

zing her point of es

ildren in these room, it will be easier for us to escape, they won't suspect any

ink. He had a point, Alexia thought, they woul

won't we be caught by the big me

r if she was caught by those same people who killed

Passage that leads to the back field, there is a big drum, w

y were going to escape the p

strange boy's plan, she hoped they

don't hav

t, as he brought out a Key, it was the iron door key, where

do that, gett

her curiosity

to play some tiny little gam

ing at Rachel, who

oing with

knowing her answers, she

sfully escape, tell

, which covered their tiny bodies, the guards now passing them, due to their tiny bodies, they were not caught. Quickly they dashed to the back door, opening it with a gentle creak, they ran out from the door, to

wo stop th

her leg, A terrible scream erupted from her lips, the arrow was close to p

at stop

as the arrow pierced his back and the head of the arrow passing through his stomach and right there, she saw the little boy who was three years older than her fell on his knees, before he fell on th

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