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Chapter 3 A slave department

Word Count: 1154    |    Released on: 27/07/2021



k room. I have no idea how I got here, but I

for you. - I heard a female voice an

where am I?! -

g closer to me a

t for?! - I asked

and grabbed both of my h

owed her. I kept fallowing until both of us left basement and headed upstairs. When we got there I saw other woman st


women took of her clothes off. She

ng?!-Bella growle

of the woman said and slapped Bella a

ut handcuffs stopped her from getting free. Both of the woman started to washing Bella without

a muffled growl a

Woman said and sl

bring back to bedroom. One of them, took gag off and placed bracelet on her hand. It

e, slave. - One of the woman said

me where am I?

facility called 'slave hous

here? - Be

slave. - One of the woman said and smiled. Afte



r room. I am quite glad that she got here quickly. They are going star

she? -

e is stubborn like heck. - One

nt. It's not that hard

how she left room and I sighed. She does have a temper to



a master, and if I refused to listen they would give me no food or beat me up. They are acting like my parents. I am mad at everyone, but eac

from bed and left after her. We kept waking

g at me from out

ter and he will be wat

dam. - I said a

I nodded before doing all things that she

so much broken down. She looks sad and does

taking her now. - I said

- One of them s

eached room where Bella w

e of woman said and Bella got

- She said whil

d she started to fallow

oufit and she keeps looking down no matter what. I kept walking until we fin

room. - I sa

r. - She said whi

y are going to turn her into a slave, but I n

asked to bring me some food. After I finished eat

e something

eat, master. - She sa

d. What does she mean b

me what do you mea

ve me that as a punisment. -

she will be too weak to do things that I want. I saw how m

id and point

to. - She said w

er and you must listen to m

s good that she is eating but I need her lis

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